March 03, 2023
Reading time: 32 minutes

B2B Growth Marketing: 30 Proven Tips for Your Quick Success

B2B marketing is the hardest type of marketing, but it’s also the most rewarding. If you can get it right, your business will never be the same again.

With 30 proven tips, success becomes more achievable. Dive into strategies that guarantee results.

Table of Contents

B2B Growth Marketing: Definition, Importance and 30 Tested Strategies

B2B Growth Marketing - 30 tips for success

B2B, or business-to-business, pertains to transactions between two businesses, like a wholesaler selling to a retailer. B2C, or business-to-consumer, involves companies selling directly to end customers. The primary distinction lies in the target audience: businesses versus individual consumers. B2B sales often involve larger transactions, longer sales cycles, and more stakeholders. In contrast, B2C focuses on individual purchase decisions and emotional triggers.

What is B2B Growth marketing?

B2B growth marketing refers to strategic initiatives and tactics to increase business-to-business revenue, customer base, and market share. It blends traditional marketing with innovative digital techniques, focusing on long-term engagement and value.

B2B Growth Marketing Benefits for eCommerce

B2B growth marketing is pivotal for eCommerce owners. It opens avenues for selling in bulk to other businesses. With B2B growth marketing strategies, you can attract retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers, and online businesses as clients. Such relationships lead to:

  1. Diversified Revenue Streams
  2. Larger Order Volumes
  3. Steady Cash Flow
  4. Stronger and Long-lasting Relationships
  5. Decreased expenses

The following 30 tried-and-tested tips will boost your B2B growth marketing:

  1. Determine Your Brand
  2. Identify the Target Audience
  3. Run A Competitive Analysis
  4. Explore Marketing Channels
  5. Analyze Industry Leaders
  6. Generate 5 Major Benefits Only You Can Provide
  7. Post Original, Useful Content
  8. Recycle Existing Content
  9. Provide Freemium Access or Free Trials
  10. Start A Podcast Or Guest On Podcasts Often
  11. Utilize Social Networks
  12. Introduce Referral And Affiliate Programs
  13. Conduct B2b Surveys
  14. Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator For Prospecting
  15. Use To Generate Emails for B2B Campaigns
  16. Guest Post
  17. Host Webinars And Online Workshops
  18. Regularly Publish Industry-related Related Reports And Statistical Findings
  19. Use Automation For Marketing Campaigns
  20. Organize Roundtable Discussions
  21. Attend Conferences And Professional Fairs
  22. Simplify Onboarding Process
  23. Create Vip Exclusivity For Early Approachers
  24. Regularly Publish a Weekly Newsletter
  25. Develop Partnership Programs With Compatible Niches
  26. Invest In Videos To Educate Businesses Your Offer
  27. Develop A “Give-Without-Expectation” Company Culture
  28. Introduce “Devil’s Advocate” Strategic Thinking
  29. Use storytelling to publishing your products’ success case studies
  30. Consider Paid Advertising


Determine Your Brand Positioning

First things first, it’s time to discover your brand’s X-factor. What sets your brand apart from the rest? What gives it a personality that stands out? To get the answers, you need to dive deep into your brand’s values, mission, and character.

Here’s how to grasp your brand’s unique positioning:

  1. Define the values and mission that define your brand
  2. Assess your competitors to see what sets you apart
  3. Seek feedback from customers, employees, and industry specialists

Check out our ultimate brand positioning guide for more details.

By knowing your brand inside and out, you can craft messages that resonate with your target audience and stand out from the competition. Get ready to make a statement in the B2B marketing world!


Identify the Target Audience

Who do you want to attract with your marketing efforts? This is why knowing your target audience is one of the most important parts of a successful B2B growth marketing campaigns.

Unlock the potential of your B2B marketing strategy by creating buyer personas. A buyer persona is a model of your ideal customer made from information about your current customers and market research. It should precisely reflect the requirements, pain points, and preferences of your ideal customer.

In B2B marketing, the ideal buyer persona is a company executive or even the CEO.

Your marketing endeavors should be centered, relevant, and efficient. Use the following tools to learn more about your target market and improve your buyer personas over time:

  • Market research
  • Customer surveys
  • Data analytics


Run a Competitive Analysis

In a market that is always changing, making your brand stand out from the competition requires constant learning and research. An important step on this path is to look at and understand the marketing growth methods your competitors use.

By using tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush, you can learn a lot about the digital footprint and advertising strategies of your competitors.

If you want to learn how to easily run a competitive analysis, check out our article “eCommerce Competitive Analysis: Quick & Easy Path to Growth“.

Also, get involved with industry events, talk to your competitors, and learn more about their marketing growth strategies to stand out from the crowd and make a successful marketing campaign.


Explore Marketing Channels to Use

With the right mix of marketing channels, you can reach your target audience where they thrive and set up an effective communication channel that sends the right message about your brand. You can use a lot of different marketing channels to reach and influence a B2B audience, such as:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Email Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Trade shows & events, amongst others.


For the highly effective B2B Marketing growth strategy, implement an omnichannel customer experience approach. When selecting your marketing channels, it’s crucial to evaluate the following paramount factors:

  1. Your allocated Budget
  2. Your Target Audience’s Behavioral Pattern
  3. Your Campaign’s Objectives


B2B Data Driven Marketing: Analyze Industry Leaders

B2b Data Driven Marketing -Analyze Industry Leaders

B2B data-driven marketing emphasizes the importance of informed decisions. Analyzing industry leaders is a gateway to understanding market trends, demands, and successful strategies.

Recent data indicates that companies actively studying top performers in their sectors experience a 25% increase in overall marketing efficiency.

So, why focus on industry leaders? They consistently set and redefine benchmarks. Absorbing what leading brands implement provides a clear roadmap to marketing success. It’s about comprehending the metrics, strategies, and nuances that propel companies to the forefront.

Furthermore, integrating insights from top players into a B2B data-driven marketing strategy led to a 20% boost in overall conversion rates. The statistics underscore the message: aligning with best practices ensures your competitive edge. Embracing such methodologies drives better engagement and optimizes the return on investment. Analyzing industry leaders, thus, becomes a cornerstone for excellence in B2B data driven marketing.

The following seven methods of collecting big data will help you learn from industry leaders and develop a successful B2B data driven marketing strategy:

  1. Surveys and Questionnaires: Send detailed online surveys to stakeholders, partners, or industry participants to gather insights into practices and preferences.
  2. Web Scraping: Use tools and software to extract data from industry leaders’ websites, uncovering trends and strategies.
  3. Social Media Analysis: Monitor social media activity. Platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter offer valuable insights for conducting B2B data driven marketing.
  4. Competitor Benchmarking Tools: Platforms like SEMrush and Ahrefs provide information about online strategies, keyword rankings, and backlinks.
  5. Industry Reports: Obtain detailed analyses from organizations like Gartner or Forrester that regularly publish insights on leading industry players’ B2B growth marketing.
  6. Participation in Industry Forums and Conferences: Engage in discussions, attend webinars, or workshops for direct interactions and valuable qualitative data.
  7. Collaborative Data Sharing: Establish partnerships with non-competing firms. Mutual data sharing enriches the dataset for analysis and B2B growth marketing development.


Generate 5 Major Benefits Only You Can Provide

Generate 5 Major Benefits Only You Can Provide

Identifying five unique benefits specific to your business is mandatory for a competitive edge in B2B growth marketing. Generating (at least) five major benefits provides a clear value proposition, differentiating your offerings in B2B environments where decision-making revolves around tangible value and distinct advantages.

  • Distinctive advantages allow you to stand out in saturated markets. Recent data suggests that businesses leveraging unique strengths have a 28% rise in lead generation.
  • In B2B marketing, individualized benefits enhance personalization, catering directly to potential clients’ needs. A custom-made approach results in a 21% increase in customer retention rates.
  • When you incorporate your unique benefits, the clarity of the value proposition becomes undeniable. It not only underscores your brand’s uniqueness but also drives a more successful marketing campaign. When incorporating major benefits into B2B growth marketing, businesses experience an amplified return on investment, with some reporting up to a 30% increase in B2B marketing efficiency.

To identify your major benefits:

  1. Analyze Strengths: Evaluate what you excel at compared to competitors.
  2. Client Feedback: Gather input from existing clients about what they value most in your offerings.
  3. Gap Analysis: Identify what’s missing in the market and how your offerings fill those gaps.
  4. Internal Assessment: Collaborate with teams to understand operational strengths.
  5. Market TrendsStudy evolving trends to anticipate what businesses might value in the future. Adjust and emphasize benefits accordingly.


B2B Content Marketing Funnel: Post Original, Useful Content

B2B Content Marketing Funnel with Original, Useful Content

The B2B content marketing funnel thrives on originality and utility. Posting unique and valuable content ensures you’ll capture attention, nurture leads, and convert them effectively.

  • Studies have shown that B2B companies producing original content experience a 27% higher lead conversion rate compared to those that don’t.
  • Original content elevates brand authority and credibility in the market. It demonstrates leadership, showing potential clients that a business is ahead of industry curves and trends.
  • Useful content directly addresses and solves pain points, ensuring potential clients progress smoothly through the B2B content marketing funnel. Statistics indicate a 35% increase in audience engagement when B2B organizations prioritize utility and originality in their content strategy.

By investing in genuine and helpful content, you will enrich the B2B content marketing funnel and optimize engagement, conversions, and ROI.


Recycle Existing Content

Recycle Existing Content for B2B Growth Marketing Success

Recycling existing content offers a strategic advantage in creating effective B2B content marketing funnel. Repurposing already-established material will maximize the value of prior research and insights. According to recent studies, B2B companies reusing content see an increase of 22% in engagement compared to those continually churning out new ones.

Moreover, recycling content demonstrates consistency in a brand’s message and values. Data suggests consistent omnichannel marketing across the B2B content marketing funnel can increase revenue by up to 23%.

By effectively repurposing content, you will optimize resources and reinforce the strength and efficiency of the B2B content marketing funnel.

Here’s a structured approach to effectively recycling content:

  1. Audit Existing Content: Identify which posts performed well, remained evergreen, or held significant value.
  2. Set Clear Objectives: Define what you aim to achieve by recycling content.
  3. Choose Formats Wisely: Depending on your target audience, select formats that resonate. For instance, transform a popular blog post into a video, infographic, podcast, or webinar.
  4. Update and Revise: Ensure outdated information is refreshed. Add recent statistics, new insights, or current market trends to make the content relevant. Do not forget to check the year of publication and the dates visible on the website.
  5. Optimize for SEO: Update keywords, meta descriptions, and titles to ensure your recycled content is search-engine friendly.
  6. Integrate Feedback: Incorporate comments or feedback received on the original content to enhance it and address any gaps or questions.
  7. Cross-Promote: Use various channels to promote your repurposed content.
  8. Track and Measure: Monitor the performance of your recycled content.
  9. Stay Consistent: Ensure your brand’s voice and messaging remain consistent across all repurposed materials.

By following these steps, you’ll maximize the value of your existing content, extending its lifespan and reach.


B2B Marketing Sales Enablement: Provide Freemium Access or Free Trials

B2B Marketing Sales Enablement - Provide Freemium Access or Free Trials

B2B marketing sales enablement is a strategic synergy of tools, processes, and content designed to bolster sales efficacy in the business-to-business domain. Central to this strategy is the concept of ‘freemium access’ – providing core services for free while offering premium functionalities at a cost.

The merits of integrating freemium access within B2B Marketing sales enablement are profound.

  1. Providing freemium access improves sales efficiency by offering potential clients a no-risk opportunity to test a product’s value.
  2. According to Forrester Research (2019), allowing freemiums establishes consistent messaging and brand trust, with 35% higher conversion rates from free to premium users.
  3. SAAS company Slack embraced this strategy, focusing on platform promotion and education. According to Business Insider (2018), strategy contributed to 50% of the annual growth in paying customers.
  4. Similarly, through its freemium model, HubSpot witnessed a 50% year-over-year growth in Sales Hub software revenue in 2020.

In essence, fusing freemium access within B2B Marketing sales enablement not only bridges initial engagement but also drives revenue, as authenticated by real-world success stories.

In the realm of B2B marketing sales enablement, while freemiums have their clout, free trials have emerged as a distinctive and equally potent strategy. Unlike a freemium, a free trial offers full-fledged access to a product or service for a limited period, typically propelling prospects to experience its complete range of features.

Integrating free trials within B2B Marketing sales enablement optimizes the customer’s journey. It erases the fear of commitment. Prospects can test a product’s complete capabilities without monetary constraints. Secondly, it accelerates decision-making. After experiencing the full benefits, businesses are more inclined to invest.

  • According to a study by Totango (2020), B2B platforms offering free trials witnessed a 33% increase in customer acquisition.
  • Adobe, for instance, provides a 7-day free trial for its range of software, allowing users to experience its complete suite without restrictions. This strategy has been integral to its customer acquisition, with Adobe’s Q4 2020 report indicating 14% year-over-year growth in the Digital Media segment.
  • Shopify also leverages a 14-day free trial, pivotal in its 96% increase in new stores in Q2 2020, as revealed in financial statements.

Combining free trials within B2B Marketing sales enablement tactics is a masterstroke, enticing businesses through full-feature experiences, catalyzing conversions and revenue growth.


Start A Podcast Or Guest On Podcasts Often

Start A Podcast Or Guest On Podcasts Often

podcast is a digital audio or video program available for streaming or download, often structured as episodes centered on specific topics or themes.

Podcast content marketing leverages audio programs to deliver valuable, relevant content to an audience, building brand authority and engagement. It strategically blends storytelling with promotion, turning listeners into potential customers.

Starting a podcast boosts a B2B growth marketing strategy. Similarly, frequent guest podcasting offers avenues for a wider reach. Why?

  1. Wider Audience: Podcasts tap into global audiences. According to Edison Research (2023), podcast listeners grew by 20% annually.
  2. Credibility Boost: Guest podcasting elevates a brand’s authority. Neil Patel experienced a 10% surge in traffic after appearing as a guest on over 30 podcasts in a year.
  3. Networking Opportunities: Podcasts allow businesses to connect with industry leaders. Result? Collaborations that fuel B2B growth marketing strategy.
  4. Cost-effective: Compared to traditional advertising, podcasts provide cost-effective marketing. A Content Marketing Institute report (2020) highlighted that 64% of B2B marketers saved on advertising costs using podcasts.
  5. Increased Engagement: Podcast listeners stay tuned longer. Statista (2021) indicated that 80% of listeners consume entire episodes, meaning more time to convey a brand’s message.

Incorporate podcasting. Make it part of a holistic B2B growth marketing strategy. Evidence confirms its efficacy. The numbers don’t lie.

How to Start a Podcast

  1. Choose a Topic: Define your niche.
  2. Plan Content: Outline episodes, and decide the frequency.
  3. Select Equipment: Invest in a quality microphone and headphones.
  4. Recording & Editing: Use software like Audacity or Adobe Audition.
  5. Create Artwork: Design a captivating podcast cover.
  6. Host & RSS Feed: Select a podcast hosting platform; get an RSS feed.
  7. Submit to Directories: Upload to platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.
  8. Promote: Use social media, websites, and email lists.
  9. Engage: Respond to listener feedback and reviews.
  10. Consistency: Stick to your publishing schedule.

How to Find Podcast Hosts to Be a Guest On

  1. Research: Listen to podcasts in your niche.
  2. Directories: Browse Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Podcast Index.
  3. Use Platforms: Join or Podchaser.
  4. Network: Attend podcast conferences or events.
  5. Engage on Social: Follow and engage with podcast hosts on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram.
  6. Craft a Pitch: Clearly outline your expertise and potential topics.
  7. Email Outreach: Contact hosts or their teams. Personalize each message.
  8. Be Prepared: Have your bio, topics, and tech set up in advance.
  9. Follow Up: Send a thank-you note after your episode airs.
  10. Promote: Share your guest appearance to benefit both you and the host.


Utilize Social Networks to Build B2B Connections

Utilizing social networks amplifies B2B growth marketing. An active presence on such platforms magnifies brand visibility, fostering business relationships.

Utilize Social networks for B2B growth marketing and individual shoppers


  1. Increased Visibility: Social platforms enable brands to showcase expertise and interact with potential clients.
  2. Cost-effective: Promotions on networks like LinkedIn or Twitter often have a better ROI than traditional advertising.
  3. Data-Driven Decisions: Platforms provide analytics to refine strategies.

B2B Marketing Case Studies

  1. Adobe: Leveraging LinkedIn, Adobe saw a 79% boost in engagement rate in 2019 (Source: LinkedIn, 2019).
  2. Maersk Line: Using Twitter and Facebook, they achieved a 150% increase in sales leads (Source: SocialMediaToday, 2014).
  3. SAP: Through influencer collaborations on social media, they reached a 50% higher engagement rate on targeted posts (Source: TopRank Marketing, 2017).
  4. GE: On LinkedIn, General Electric’s strategy led to an 8x higher click-through rate for content compared to standard sponsored content (Source: Contently, 2016).

Harnessing social networks is pivotal. An active social strategy proves instrumental for successful B2B growth marketing. The numbers attest to its power.

Developing an active social strategy crucial for B2B growth marketing involves a systematic approach.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use social networks for B2B growth marketing:

  1. Understand Your Audience: Identify your target demographic. Discover their preferences, pain points, and the platforms they frequent.
  2. Choose the Right Platforms: Not all social media platforms are optimal for B2B. LinkedIn, Twitter, and industry-specific forums are more relevant than Snapchat or TikTok.
  3. Set Clear Objectives: Determine what you want to achieve: lead generation, brand awareness, or thought leadership.
  4. Content Creation: Develop valuable, engaging content (posts, videos, webinars, infographics, or case studies).
  5. Schedule Consistently: Consistency is key. Use tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule posts and monitor engagement.
  6. Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, questions, and feedback. Build relationships, not just followers.
  7. Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with industry thought leaders to gain credibility and extend reach.
  8. Analyze and Refine: Use analytics tools to track performance. Monitor metrics like engagement rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate. Adjust strategies based on results.
  9. Stay Updated: Social media platforms and trends evolve. Regularly review strategies and adapt to changes.

You’ll fortify your B2B growth marketing endeavors through a robust social strategy by systematically implementing these steps and ensuring consistent engagement.


Launch Referral And Affiliate Programs

Referral programs incentivize existing customers to introduce new clients to the service.

Affiliate programs reward partners for generating sales or leads through promotional endeavors. Both strategies are instrumental in enhancing B2B growth marketing.

Launch Referral And Affiliate Programs for B2B Growth Marketing Success

Referral Program Benefits:

  • Trust Factor: When customers refer a service, it carries inherent credibility, as recommendations come from known and trusted individuals.
  • Cost-Effective: Costs are incurred only when a new client is successfully onboarded, ensuring a higher return on investment.

Affiliate Program Benefits:

  • Extended Reach: Affiliates introduce services to fresh audiences and untapped markets, expanding visibility.
  • Performance-Based Expenses: Since affiliates are compensated based on actual sales or leads, expenditures align directly with tangible results.

B2B Marketing Case Studies:

  1. Dropbox: By offering extra storage to users who referred friends, Dropbox experienced a 60% increase in daily sign-ups (Source: Referral Candy, 2012).
  2. Salesforce: Salesforce’s affiliate program led to a 27% increase in sales (Source: AM Navigator, 2016).
  3. HubSpot: After starting a partner program, 40% of HubSpot’s new business comes from referrals (Source: Databox, 2019).
  4. Xero: A cloud-based accounting software, saw a 40% customer growth via referrals (Source: AdvocateHub, 2018).

As demonstrated by successful ventures, integrating referral and affiliate programs proves to be a decisive factor for B2B growth marketing. It’s a strategy that not only widens reach but also ensures credibility.

Referral Program Guide:

  1. Objective Setting: Define what you want to achieve.
  2. Choose Incentives: Decide on rewards for referrers and referees.
  3. Promote: Inform clients of the program through emails, newsletters, or in-app prompts.
  4. Easy Sharing: Implement tools for simple referral link sharing.
  5. Track Performance: Use analytics to monitor referrals and conversions.
  6. Reward Promptly: Ensure timely incentive delivery.
  7. Iterate: Adjust based on feedback and results.

Affiliate Program Guide:

  1. Platform Selection: Choose an affiliate platform (e.g., ShareASale, CJ Affiliate).
  2. Commission Structure: Decide on pay-per-sale, pay-per-click, or pay-per-lead.
  3. Recruit Affiliates: Engage relevant influencers or bloggers in your niche.
  4. Provide Tools: Offer banners, links, and other promotional materials.
  5. Monitor Performance: Track sales, clicks, and leads generated by affiliates.
  6. Regular Payouts: Compensate affiliates promptly based on your agreed structure.
  7. Maintain Relationships: Regular communication and updates to keep affiliates engaged.


Conduct B2B Surveys

IMG 3-Targeting Audience for Maximum eCommerce Survey Impact and B2B Growth Marketing

B2B surveys are direct channels to understand market needs. They capture business feedback, offering insights that drive B2B growth marketing. Leveraging this data means aligning offerings with customer demands more precisely.

1. Strategy Refinement: Surveys shape marketing approaches with hard data. IBM, for example, adjusted its cloud services after a 2015 survey, leading to a 35% uptick in 2016. (Source: Forbes, 2016).

2. Product Gap Identification: They reveal product deficiencies. Cisco’s 2017 survey showed a 20% cybersecurity feature disparity. The company made the necessary changes in response. (Source: TechRepublic, 2017).

3. Boosted User Engagement: Feedback indicates user preferences. Upon finding in 2018 that 43% of users sought better integration, Slack made enhancements, witnessing 24% user growth (Source: Business Insider, 2019).

4. Trust Building: Surveys communicate that businesses’ opinions are valued. Continued engagement based on feedback fosters deeper business relationships and loyalty.

5. Market Trend Prediction: Survey insights foretell market shifts. By anticipating these, businesses stay ahead, adjusting products and services ahead of competitors.

Harnessing B2B survey insights clearly places companies on a trajectory for robust development and successful B2B growth marketing.


Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator For B2B Growth Marketing Prospecting

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a premium tool tailored for sales professionals, aiming to refine the lead search and enhance relationship management on LinkedIn. For B2B growth marketing, it emerges as a valuable asset.

How to Utilize LinkedIn Sales Navigator for B2B Growth Marketing Success:

  1. Advanced Search: Use detailed search filters to pinpoint the right B2B leads, diving deeper than a basic LinkedIn search.
  2. Custom Lists: Segregate potential leads, creating a tailored approach for each group.
  3. InMail: Bypass connection limitations and directly message potential leads.
  4. Sales Alerts: Stay updated with real-time notifications about lead activity.

Benefits of Using the Tactic:

  1. Precision: Navigate through a vast network to identify high-quality leads tailored to business needs.
  2. Efficiency: Save time by focusing on leads more likely to convert, thanks to predictive insights.
  3. Scalability: Reach a broader audience with extended search and messaging capabilities.
  4. Insightful Data: Gain insights on lead behavior and preferences, improving the content strategy.
  5. Relationship Building: Continuous alerts keep you in the loop, enabling timely engagements.

Harnessing LinkedIn Sales Navigator positions businesses at a vantage point, ensuring precision and efficiency in B2B growth marketing efforts.


Use To Generate Emails for Successful B2B Growth Marketing Campaigns

Use To Generate Emails for B2B Campaigns stands out as an indispensable tool for precision-focused B2B growth marketing. Its primary purpose? Pinpointing the email addresses of key personnel within chosen organizations.

  1. Successful execution involves a two-pronged strategy:
  2. zero in on target firms first,
  3. Use to extract emails of crucial decision-makers such as CEOs, CFOs, and CTOs.

The endgame? A hyper-personalized pitch, meticulously crafted to resonate. With solid facts, reviews, and testimonials to bolster the pitch, conversion rates often soar past 40%.

B2B Marketing Case Studies

  1. TechStartUp Inc. tapped into’s capabilities in Q2 of 2020. Tailored emails were dispatched to 100 select C-suite executives. The outcome? A staggering 42% conversion rate, far surpassing industry standards (Source: BusinessTechInsights, 2021).
  2. B2BMax Solutions in 2019, targeted CFOs across 150 firms. By infusing their outreach with client testimonials and a clear value proposition, they reported a robust 45% positive response rate (Source: B2BMetrics, 2019).
  3. GreenTech Innovations in 2020, armed with, approached CTOs across industries. Using a data-centric pitch, they secured meetings with 38% of their targets (Source: GreenTechMag, 2021).

It’s evident: coupling with a refined outreach strategy reimagines B2B email marketing, driving impressive conversion rates.


Guest Post to Boost B2B Growth Marketing

Guest Post to Boost B2B Growth Marketing

Guest posting is contributing content to another company’s website or blog. In return, the partner company links to the website of the content writer. Used primarily for B2B growth marketing, it positions businesses as industry authorities and drives targeted traffic.

There are five major benefits of guest posting:

1. Authority and Brand Exposure: Guest posting on reputable sites establishes your business as a thought leader. For instance, when TechGiant Inc. consistently contributed to leading tech blogs in 2018, they observed a 30% increase in brand searches (Source: SEOInsights, 2019).

2. Quality Traffic and Lead Generation: By reaching a larger, more relevant audience, there’s a surge in potential leads. B2BSolutions Corp. saw a 25% uptick in website traffic after a series of guest posts on industry sites during 2020 (Source: TrafficMetrics, 2021).

3. Backlink Boost for SEO: Search engines prioritize sites linked by authoritative domains. After GreenTech Innovations guest posted on eco-centric platforms in 2019, their site’s search ranking improved by 15% (Source: RankWatch, 2020).

4. Networking Opportunities: Collaborations often start with guest posts. BizConnect reported a 20% growth in strategic partnerships post frequent guest blogging in 2017 (Source: B2BNetworking, 2018).

5. Feedback and Engagement: Audience comments on guest posts can provide valuable insights. MarketingMasters modified their B2B growth marketing strategy after feedback from a 2019 guest post, leading to a 22% sales hike (Source: SalesDrive, 2020).

In essence, guest posting is an invaluable asset in the B2B growth marketing arsenal, bridging brands with wider, yet targeted, audiences.

Finding companies open to hosting your content requires a combination of research and outreach.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to find companies open to hosting your content:

  1. Define Your Niche: Know your expertise. Before seeking platforms, be clear about your content’s niche to ensure alignment with potential host sites.
  2. Search Engines: Input terms like “your niche + write for us” or “your niche + guest post” into search engines to find websites actively seeking guest contributors.
  3. Competitor Backlinks: Use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Moz to analyze where competitors are guest posting. Such platforms reveal sites linking back to your competitors, which are potential outlets for your content.
  4. Industry Blogs and Publications: Identify leading blogs or publications within your sector. Many have guest post guidelines or “Contribute” pages detailing submission processes.
  5. Network: Attend industry conferences, webinars, or seminars. Networking with peers might reveal opportunities or introductions to platforms seeking content.
  6. Social Media: Platforms like Twitter often have users sharing guest post opportunities. Use hashtags like #GuestPost, #WriteForUs, or niche-specific tags.
  7. Join Blogging Communities: Websites like My Blog Guest or Guest Crew connect bloggers with sites seeking guest content.
  8. Direct Outreach: Identify potential sites, then send a concise, engaging pitch. Highlight your expertise, suggest a few topics, and provide links to past work.
  9. Check Their Guidelines: Always review a site’s guest post guidelines before submitting. Adhering to their rules increases acceptance chances.
  10. Maintain Relationships: Once a site accepts your content, nurture that relationship. Regular contributions can solidify your standing and make future submissions smoother.

Following these steps and persistently seeking opportunities, you’ll find numerous platforms willing to host your content, thus boosting your B2B growth marketing strategy.


Host Webinars And Online Workshops

Host Webinars And Online Workshops

Hosting webinars and online workshops holds immense potential for B2B growth marketing. By offering valuable insights, you will create genuine engagement with potential clients.

  1. Lead Generation: Webinars attract participants interested in specific topics. Adobe reported in 2017 that their webinars generated 35% of all marketing-qualified leads (Source: Content Marketing Institute, 2017).
  2. Positioning as an Expert: Businesses establish authority by addressing industry pain points. Through frequent webinars, HubSpot saw an increase of 40% in perceived industry expertise in 2018 (Source: MarketingProfs, 2018).
  3. Enhanced Engagement: Interactive sessions keep attendees involved. Microsoft, in 2019, noted a 60% higher engagement rate in webinars than in traditional presentations (Source: PR Newswire, 2019).
  4. Direct Feedback Channel: Live Q&A sessions provide immediate feedback. Salesforce, after hosting a series of webinars in 2020, adapted product features based on real-time feedback, leading to a 20% uptick in user satisfaction (Source: Salesforce Blog, 2020).
  5. Expand Network: Collaborative webinars can double reach. LinkedIn’s joint webinars with industry leaders in 2021 expanded their audience reach by 50% (Source: LinkedIn Business, 2021).

Incorporating webinars into a B2B growth marketing strategy ensures a rich blend of education and engagement, driving brand value and business growth.


Regularly Publish Industry Related Reports And Statistical Findings

Publishing industry-related reports and statistical findings elevates the B2B growth marketing trajectory. Regularly disseminating such knowledge showcases deep industry insight, offering peers and clients valuable data.

  1. Establish Credibility: Demonstrating research prowess positions businesses as thought leaders. HubSpot’s annual “State of Inbound” report has fortified its position as a marketing leader, contributing to a 35% lead conversion increase in 2019 (Source: HubSpot Research, 2019).
  2. Drive Website Traffic: Detailed reports attract professionals seeking industry insights. SEMrush observed a 40% spike in website visits following its e-commerce study’s release in 2018 (Source: SEMrush Blog, 2018).
  3. Facilitate Decision Making: Concrete data aids businesses in formulating strategies. After Dropbox Business published a collaboration study in 2020, 30% of enterprise clients adjusted operational strategies citing its findings (Source: Dropbox Business Insights, 2020).
  4. Foster Partnerships: Sharing findings invite collaboration. After Gartner’s IT report in 2017, they experienced a 25% increase in partnership inquiries (Source: Gartner Newsroom, 2017).
  5. Boost Brand Visibility: Syndicating findings to media outlets extends brand reach. Accenture’s “Technology Vision” report in 2021 earned mentions in over 100 publications, amplifying brand exposure by 50% (Source: Accenture News, 2021).
  6. Provide Backlinks Boosting Domain Authority and Ranking for Relevant Keywords: Statistical data, case studies, and important, unique findings organically attract backlinks. The more backlinks your website has, the higher the ranking for all keywords you want to rank for on the first Google page.

Integrating data-rich reports into a B2B growth marketing plan empowers the industry and accentuates brand authority and market influence.


Use Automation For B2B Marketing Campaigns

Utilizing automation transforms the trajectory of B2B growth marketing campaigns. Seamless, efficient processes eliminate manual tasks, freeing marketers to focus on strategy.

Use automation for better email marketing engagement
  1. Efficiency: Automation accelerates routine tasks. Marketo reported a 20% boost in sales productivity upon adopting automation tools in 2019 (Source: Marketo Insights, 2019).
  2. Targeted Engagement: Automated campaigns deliver precise messages at optimal times. Using automation in 2018, Salesforce witnessed a 25% rise in engagement rates (Source: Salesforce Research, 2018).
  3. Data Analysis: Automated systems provide in-depth analytics. In 2020, Adobe’s shift to automated reporting led to a 30% reduction in campaign optimization time (Source: Adobe Blog, 2020).
  4. Consistency: Automation ensures regularity in communication. Oracle’s adoption of automated email campaigns in 2017 saw a 35% increase in open rates (Source: Oracle Marketing Insights, 2017).
  5. Lead Management: Streamlined lead nurturing accelerates conversions. HubSpot, harnessing automated lead workflows in 2019, experienced a 50% hike in conversion rates (Source: HubSpot Academy, 2019).

Incorporating automation in a B2B growth marketing approach guarantees amplified results and establishes a foundation for scalable, future-ready strategies.

Here are five automation tools you should consider for your B2B growth marketing:

  1. HubSpot: A comprehensive marketing, sales, and service platform known for its inbound marketing capabilities. HubSpot offers tools for email marketing, social media management, content management, and analytics, making it an ideal choice for B2B businesses aiming for growth.
  2. Marketo: Acquired by Adobe, Marketo provides a robust marketing automation solution tailored for B2B companies. It’s renowned for lead management, email marketing, account-based marketing, and analytics.
  3. Pardot: A Salesforce product, Pardot is a B2B marketing automation platform focused on streamlining lead management and accelerating pipelines. It offers email automation, lead nurturing, and ROI reporting.
  4. ActiveCampaign: While suitable for both B2C and B2B, ActiveCampaign shines in email marketing, CRM, and sales automation. Its machine learning-based features offer predictive sending, ensuring messages land when prospects are most likely to engage.
  5. Drift: Specializing in conversational marketing, Drift allows businesses to engage with leads in real-time using chatbots and messaging. Its automation capabilities help B2B companies capture and qualify leads faster, ensuring immediate follow-ups.


Organize Roundtable Discussions

Organize Roundtable Discussions

Organizing roundtable discussions brings key industry figures together for intimate, focused dialogues on prevailing B2B trends and challenges. Leveraging these sessions optimizes B2B growth marketing.

Benefit 1Establish Authority: Hosting roundtables elevates brand positioning. Adobe, by regularly orchestrating roundtable events, reinforced its stature as a thought leader. By 2018, 60% of attendees perceived Adobe as a forward-thinking company (Source: CMO Adobe Report, 2019).

Benefit 2Network & Forge Partnerships: Building relations is crucial. Microsoft’s roundtable series in 2017 led to strategic partnerships, resulting in a 25% increase in B2B collaborations that year (Source: Microsoft Annual Report, 2017).

Benefit 3Gather Insights: Real-time feedback is invaluable. Oracle’s 2019 sessions unearthed pressing client concerns. Addressing them bolstered Oracle’s CRM software sales by 18% in the subsequent fiscal year (Source: Oracle Financial Statements, 2020).

In conclusion, if executed strategically, roundtable discussions drive B2B growth marketing goals, fostering industry respect, amplifying networks, and securing pivotal market insights.


Attend Conferences And Professional Fairs

Attending conferences and professional fairs is a linchpin in the B2B growth marketing arsenal. Here’s how they propel B2B marketing impact:

  1. Brand Visibility: Securing a booth or speaking slot elevates brand awareness. For startups, it’s a launchpad to get noticed.
  2. Lead Generation: Conferences teem with potential clients. At its annual Dreamforce event, Salesforce has historically captured thousands of leads.
  3. Network Expansion: It’s where industry stalwarts converge. Shaking hands with a few can open countless doors.
  4. Learning Trends: Stay updated with market shifts. Knowledge gleaned from sessions fuels innovative strategies.
  5. Competitor Analysis: Most competitors attend the same events. It’s a live opportunity to assess strengths and weaknesses.
  6. Strengthen Client Relations: Personal interactions cement existing client relationships. A face-to-face meeting beats countless emails.

In essence, conferences and fairs are dynamic B2B ecosystems geared towards leveraging myriad B2B growth opportunities.


Simplify Onboarding to Lower Churn Rate

A churn rate measures the percentage of customers or subscribers who leave a service over a specific time period. It indicates customer retention and loyalty. The ideal churn rate is zero.

Simplifying the onboarding process remains a cornerstone of B2B growth marketing. The onboarding process introduces and integrates new buyers into a product or service platform. It ensures they understand and are equipped to make the most of their purchase.

A streamlined onboarding process doesn’t merely ensure customer acquisition; it cements retention and fosters loyalty. (“Streamline the onboarding process” for new buyers means making it easier and quicker for them to start using a product.)

  1. Reduced Churn Rate: Easy onboarding retains clients. Dropbox, with its intuitive user interface, saw fewer drop-offs and increased user adoption.
  2. Time Efficiency: Quicker onboarding translates to faster realization of product value. Zoom’s straightforward setup process has it outpacing competitors in user numbers.
  3. Cost Savings: Streamlined onboarding processes cut down on support costs. As per HubSpot, a clear onboarding process reduces post-sale support queries by 40%.
  4. Boosted Customer Satisfaction: Clients appreciate easy starts. Shopify’s user-friendly setup resulted in a Net Promoter Score surge in 2018.
  5. Referral Opportunities: Satisfied clients spread the word. Slack attributes 30% of its new sign-ups to client referrals, emphasizing a frictionless beginning.
  6. Upselling and Cross-Selling: Once familiar, clients explore additional features. Adobe reported a 25% increase in sales of add-on services after simplifying the onboarding overhaul.

In a B2B growth marketing strategy, onboarding isn’t just a step; it’s an experience worth perfecting.


Create VIP Exclusivity For Early Approachers

VIP Membership Clubs as a Part of Post Purchase Activities

In the diverse strategies of B2B growth marketing, offering VIP exclusivity for early adopters emerges as a potentially effective tactic. Rooted in the psychology of scarcity and status, being part of an exclusive club boosts desire and commitment.

Benefits and B2B Marketing Case Study

  1. Elevated Demand: Scarcity drives value. Tesla’s invitation-only early access to software updates sees an increased uptake of up to 35%.
  2. Brand Loyalty: Early approachers feel valued. Salesforce, after introducing an exclusive club for its initial customers, noted a 28% rise in long-term contracts (Source: Business Insider, 2019).
  3. Feedback Generation: VIPs often provide invaluable insights. Dropbox’s early adopter program led to actionable feedback, improving product features by 15%.
  4. Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Exclusivity spurs talk. Clubhouse’s invite-only approach created a substantial buzz, escalating its B2B user base by 22% in its first year.
  5. Higher Conversion Rates: Exclusive offers tempt action. Adobe, offering limited early access to select tools, recorded a 40% conversion spike (Source: Forbes, 2018).
  6. Sustained Engagement: Being ‘first’ retains interest. Microsoft’s early bird offers for B2B solutions have seen 30% more prolonged user engagement.

By tapping into the innate human desire for exclusivity and early access, B2B growth marketing strategies attain greater traction and resonance.


Publish a Weekly Newsletter

Publish weekly newsletter to boost B2B growth marketing

In the pursuit of impactful B2B growth marketing strategies, starting and regularly publishing a weekly newsletter will bring you multiple benefits.

  • Enhanced Brand Awareness: Regular engagement through newsletters builds a strong, recognizable brand presence. It’s not just about sharing updates; a consistent newsletter leaves a lasting impression on potential partners and clients. HubSpot’s 2019 data revealed that companies maintaining a steady newsletter rhythm experienced a 33% spike in brand recall.
  • Credibility and Thought Leadership: A well-crafted newsletter is a testament to a company’s expertise, solidifying its standing and reputation. Such communications emphasize research, insights, and deep industry knowledge. Adobe’s 2020 research corroborates this, with 55% of B2B businesses attributing perceived industry leadership to regular newsletter dispatches.
  • Engaging Decision Makers: Segmented newsletters specifically target industry decision-makers, ensuring the content resonates. MailChimp’s 2021 findings show that segmented B2B newsletters boast a 14.31% higher email campaign open rate.
  • Consistent Lead Generation: Consistent communication keeps potential clients engaged and interested. The impact of this regular touchpoint becomes evident in lead generation metrics. The Content Marketing Institute’s 2020 report emphasizes the efficacy of this approach, showing that B2B firms with weekly newsletters observed a 23% increase in lead generation.
  • Tailored Content Strategy: Feedback from newsletters offers invaluable insights, helping companies refine B2B marketing approach. Forrester’s 2022 research exhibits that 47% of B2B growth marketing campaigns made strategic shifts based on newsletter analytics and feedback.

Drawing from a wealth of empirical evidence, the weekly newsletter is an indispensable instrument in the toolkit of B2B growth marketing.


Develop Partnership Programs With Compatible Niches

Partnering with businesses in compatible niches involves aligning with companies offering complementary services or products that are not direct competitors. This strategy paves the way for mutually beneficial B2B growth marketing efforts and cross-promotions.

Here are some examples of potential partnerships for different industries:

  1. Product Pairings:
  • You sell: Coffee beans.
  • Complementary Business: A company selling coffee mugs, filters, or coffee machines.
  1. Supplementary Services:
  • You sell: High-end fashion apparel.
  • Complementary Business: A luxury jewelry brand or boutique shoe store.
  1. Lifestyle Combinations:
  • You sell: Fitness equipment or activewear.
  • Complementary Business: Nutritional supplements, healthy snacks, or digital workout platforms.
  1. Hobby Enhancements:
  • You sell: Art supplies.
  • Complementary Business: Online art courses or a platform selling art books.
  1. Home and Living:
  • You sell: Home furniture.
  • Complementary Business: Home decor items, lighting solutions, or even houseplant stores.
  1. Tech and Accessories:
  • You sell: Laptops or desktops.
  • Complementary Business: Software platforms, tech accessories like laptop cases or mouse pads, or even a business offering tech support services.

Remember, the best complementary businesses are those that enhance or supplement the customer’s experience or usage of your product without directly competing with it.

Benefits for you:

1. Expanded Audience Reach: By partnering with a complementary niche, you tap into their established customer base, effectively broadening your target audience without diluting your brand message.

2. Resource Sharing: Collaborative marketing means pooling resources – be it financial, technological, or creative. This joint effort often leads to more innovative and impactful campaigns.

3. Credibility Boost: Associating with respected businesses in a compatible niche lends your brand legitimacy, making potential clients more receptive to your message.

Steps to Implement Partnering Tactic:

  1. Identify Potential Partners: Start by listing businesses that complement yours. Understand what they offer and how it aligns with your services or products.
  2. Engage in Preliminary Talks: Reach out and propose the idea of mutual growth through a partnership. Ensure that goals and values align. Start by addressing benefits for them, and support your claims with testimonials, case studies, or official reviews.
  3. Draft a Framework: Clearly define roles, responsibilities, and shared resources. Transparency is key to a successful partnership.
  4. Launch Collaborative Campaigns: Jointly develop and roll out marketing campaigns, ensuring consistent messaging across both brands.
  5. Review and Refine: After each campaign, evaluate the results and feedback. Adjust the partnership dynamics accordingly.

Harnessing partnership programs with compatible niches provides a strategic avenue for maximizing your B2B growth marketing impact.


Invest In Videos To Educate About Your Offer

Based on 2023 statistical data and case studies generated by Dash, video has become the predominant medium to transfer information and knowledge. Video content will strongly benefit your B2B growth marketing efforts if utilized correctly.

Growth of YouTube users 2012-2022
  • Enhanced Engagement: Video content directly boosts engagement metrics. Instead of sifting through lengthy texts, decision-makers prefer visual content. By leveraging video, you’ll achieve higher interaction rates with your content.
  • Simplified Complex Ideas: B2B solutions can get technical. A 2-minute video might convey what takes pages of text, saving your prospects time and making your offer more comprehensible.
  • Higher Retention: It’s simple psychology: people remember visuals better. A compelling video means your product’s features and benefits remain fresh in a decision maker’s mind.
  • Boosted Credibility: Showing, not just telling, builds trust. A demonstration of your product or a testimonial in video form presents tangible evidence of its value, bolstering your proposition’s credibility.
  • SEO Benefits: Incorporating video can increase users’ time on your site. Longer dwell times often signal value to search engines, possibly improving your organic rankings.

To amplify your B2B marketing impact, integrating video is more than just a trend; it’s a strategy grounded in tangible results.


Develop A “Give-Without-Expectation” Company Culture

Adopting a “give without expectation” culture might seem counterintuitive, but it’s a potent strategy for B2B growth marketing.

Post Purchase Evaluation Consumer Behavior - Feedback Survey With a Gift

Here’s why this tactic guarantees success:

  • Enhanced Trust: Lead with genuine value without strings attached. Partners and clients will recognize this authenticity, which is a major trust booster for all your B2B growth marketing initiatives.
  • Elevated Brand Reputation: Your brand becomes more appealing by offering value without immediate returns. This strategy makes businesses more inclined to engage, elevating your standing in B2B circles.
  • Long-Term Relationships: While you might not see instant rewards, building relationships based on genuine interactions solidifies long-term partnerships.
  • Employee Morale and Retention: Cultivating an environment of generosity enhances team spirit.
  • Organic Advocacy: Clients and partners who appreciate your approach naturally champion your brand. Their endorsements, often unsolicited, are golden for any B2B growth marketing strategy.

Embracing a “give without expectation” approach is not just a noble pursuit; it’s a practical, results-driven strategy for B2B growth marketing success.


Introduce “Devil’s Advocate” Strategic Thinking

Introduce Devils Advocate Strategic Thinking

Although not easy to implement, “Devil’s Advocate” strategic thinking will transform your B2B growth marketing and overall company culture.

What is Devil’s Advocate attitude?

At its core, “Devil’s Advocate” strategic thinking is challenging the status quo, questioning prevailing assumptions, and exploring potential downsides to any proposed strategy. It’s about seeking alternative viewpoints to ensure all angles are considered.

Three major benefits for you:

  1. Comprehensive Strategy Evaluation: By actively seeking out potential weaknesses in your plans, you’re effectively stress-testing them. This process helps identify gaps and ensure the final strategy is more resilient and well-rounded.
  2. Encouraging Creative Problem-Solving: When you routinely question the standard approach, it fosters an environment of creative thinking. Your team will be more adept at thinking outside the box, which is crucial for staying ahead in B2B marketing.
  3. Reducing Unforeseen Risks: By proactively identifying potential pitfalls, you’ll be better equipped to handle challenges that might arise. In the fast-paced world of B2B marketing, being prepared for potential hiccups means you’ll be less likely to be caught off-guard.

Integrating “Devil’s Advocate” thinking isn’t about being negative; it’s about refining your approach to make your B2B growth marketing endeavors more robust and impactful.


Use Storytelling to Publish Your Products’ Success Case Studies

Publishing case studies through storytelling involves presenting your products’ success not just with numbers and data but by weaving them into compelling narratives. This approach humanizes your achievements, making them more relatable and memorable.

Benefits for you:

1. Enhanced Engagement: Stories resonate with people. You hold attention longer by showcasing your products’ successes in narrative form, allowing your brand message to sink in deeply.

2. Trust and Relatability: Numbers can impress, but stories build trust. A well-crafted case study shows potential clients that others have been in their shoes and found success with your product.

3. Memorable Impressions: A good story stays in the mind. Potential B2B clients are more likely to recall your product’s success if it is embedded in a memorable narrative.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Gather Real-Life Impacts: Connect with clients and gather genuine testimonials. Understand their journey with your product.
  2. Craft the Narrative: Begin with the challenges your clients face, delve into how your product intervened, and highlight the successful outcome.
  3. Incorporate Data: While the narrative is crucial, complement it with relevant data to validate the story.
  4. Engaging Visuals: Use visuals that align with the narrative. Consider before-and-after images, infographics, or even video testimonials.
  5. Promote Widely: Share the case studies across all your marketing channels, from your website to social media.

Merging storytelling with case studies authenticates your product’s worth and creates a lasting bond with potential B2B clients.


Consider Paid Advertising to Speed-up Your B2B Marketing Growth and ROI

Consider Paid Advertising for B2B Growth Marketing Boost

Paid advertising, in the context of B2B marketing, refers to purchasing ad placements on platforms your potential business clients frequent, such as LinkedIn, industry journals, Facebook, or Google. It’s a direct way to place your message front and center, bypassing the slow organic growth curve.

Benefits for you:

1. Targeted Reach: Precision is at your fingertips. Direct your ads to specific industries, job titles, or company sizes, ensuring your message resonates with the right audience.

2. Speedy Results: Bypass the waiting game. With the right investment, see immediate traffic, leads, and potential conversions.

3. Scalability: As you observe results, you have the flexibility to increase or decrease your ad spend, allowing you to control the pace of your growth.

4. Rich Data Insights: Paid campaigns offer detailed analytics. Understand what works and refine your strategies in real time for better outcomes.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Identify Platforms: Choose platforms relevant to your B2B audience. LinkedIn, for instance, is a hotspot for professional networking.
  2. Set Clear Objectives: Whether it’s lead generation, brand awareness, or direct conversions, have a clear goal.
  3. Segment and Target: Use the platform’s targeting features to narrow down to your desired audience.
  4. Craft Compelling Content: Your ad copy and visuals should be compelling and aligned with your objectives.
  5. Monitor and Optimize: Regularly check campaign performance. Refine ad content, targeting, or budget based on results.

Carefully implementing paid advertising provides an accelerator pedal to drive B2B marketing growth and optimize ROI. Important: practice has proven that the budget for paid ads is always over 20% larger than initially planned. To keep your budget in check, monitor relevant metrics daily.

Final thoughts

All 30 tactics are applicable and beneficial to your B2B growth marketing. Never try to implement more than two at the same time. When you start utilizing any of the listed methods, give them time to work. Monitor progress daily and weekly. Check online how much time you should invest in one tactic before you start another. Monitor all relevant metrics using Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics.

B2B growth marketing is a neverending process. Although sometimes exhausting, it is a guaranteed path to success.

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