March 04, 2023
Reading time: 20 minutes

Brand Execution and Positioning (With Examples)

Brand execution and positioning aren’t just buzzwords—they’re key elements in building a brand’s identity and securing its place in Commerce and B2B markets. This article delves into the core of brand concepts, guiding you through strategic development, highlighting common pitfalls, and drawing insights from real-life success stories. Dive in to elevate your brand’s narrative and trajectory.

Brand Execution and Positioning: From Concepts to Real-World Applications

Brand Execution and Positioning Guide

“Brand execution” and “brand positioning” are related branding concepts, but they are not the same. Let’s delve into each to differentiate them.

Brand Positioning:

  • Brand Positioning defines and establishes a brand’s unique value proposition and place within the target market. It’s about carving a unique space for your brand in the consumer’s mind.
  • Brand positioning aims to differentiate a brand from competitors in the marketplace. It focuses on the perceptions and associations you want customers to have when they think of your brand.
  • An effective brand positioning statement will define the target market, the brand promise, and the key reasons why this promise is credible.
  • An example might be Volvo positioning itself as a leader in automobile safety.

Brand Execution:

  • Once you have a clear brand positioning, brand execution refers to the activities and tactics you employ to bring that positioning to life.
  • It involves implementing the brand strategy consistently across all brand touchpoints, from advertising and promotions to customer service and product quality.
  • Brand execution is seen in the choice of visuals, messages, tone of voice, and experiences a brand creates for its audience. All of these reflect and reinforce the brand’s positioning.
  • For instance, if Volvo is positioned around safety, advertisements, car design features, website content, and sales process emphasize safety at every turn.

In summary, while brand positioning is about defining and deciding how you want your brand to be perceived in the marketplace, brand execution brings that vision to life across all customer touchpoints (omnichannel customer experience). Both are required to build a strong brand identity and resonate with target audiences.

Brand Execution: Strategies for Market Dominance

Brand execution transforms strategy into tangible experiences, ensuring a brand consistently communicates its identity across all touchpoints. Essential methods include developing detailed brand guidelines and embracing integrated marketing communications. Quality control monitors brand consistency. Employees, as brand ambassadors, need proper training. Feedback from customers and stakeholders provides invaluable insights, while technology aids in analyzing consumer engagement.
A consistent customer experience across all interactions is paramount. Storytelling in campaigns fosters emotional connections, and strategic collaborations amplify brand reach. The key lies in consistency, adaptability, and continuous alignment with core brand values.

Now, we’ll elaborate on 10 best practices for brand execution, supported with examples and case studies.


Brand Execution Best Practices and Methods

Brand Map and Guidelines

Brand Map and Guidelines

A brand map is a strategic tool used in brand management and market research to visually represent how a particular brand is positioned in the market. The main purpose is to identify how consumers perceive a brand in relation to its competitors. This visualization typically uses two dimensions, derived from consumer perceptions or preferences, to plot various competing brands. The axes represent factors like affordability versus luxury, or functionality versus aesthetics.

To construct a brand map:

  1. Determine Dimensions: These are the two main factors you wish to compare. For instance, one axis might represent ‘price’ while another represents ‘quality’.
  2. Gather Consumer Data: Use surveys, purchase histories, market research, and direct feedback to understand perceptions and preferences.
  3. Position Brands: Plot your brand on the two-dimensional graph based on the data.

Considering Apple as an example: To chart smartphone brands based on ‘innovativeness’ and ‘price’, Apple would likely occupy a quadrant signifying high innovativeness and high-price. Apple products often signify cutting-edge technology at premium prices. Consistent product launches showcasing unique features have cemented Apple’s reputation as an innovator. Meanwhile, its premium pricing strategy positions it as a high-end brand in consumer perception.

Brand Guidelines Based on Brand Map

Brand guidelines are a cohesive set of standards outlining the presentation and communication of a brand’s identity across multiple channels. Invest time in formulating comprehensive guidelines to ensure uniform and precise brand representation. Brand guidelines address visual components, messaging tone, and overall brand ethos* as a guiding light for branding endeavors.

Benefits of well-written brand guidelines:

  1. Unified Identity: Regardless of platform or medium, your brand appears consistent, enhancing recognition.
  2. Professionalism: A well-defined brand exudes professionalism, building trust with consumers and stakeholders.
  3. Clarity and Efficiency: External partners and internal teams have a clear directive, streamlining collaborations and reducing miscommunication.
  4. Enhanced Brand Equity: Consistency fortifies brand reputation over time, increasing its value and resonance in the market.

To create brand guidelines from a brand map, follow the next steps:

  1. Brand Map Review: Understand your brand’s position in the marketplace.
  2. Define Visual Elements: Decide on logo specifications, color palettes, and typography. Consider how they reflect your brand’s position and values.
  3. Establish Tone of Voice: Detail the language, style, and tone suitable for brand communications.
  4. Usage Guidelines: Offer examples of correct and incorrect brand element usage.
  5. Media Specifications: Provide guidance on imagery, video, and sound elements that complement your brand.
  6. Collate and Distribute: Compile guidelines into an accessible format and ensure that teams and collaborators have access.

Incorporating insights from a brand map into your guidelines ensures they are rooted in market realities and customer perceptions, helping to align all branding efforts with your brand’s true essence.

What is Brand Ethos?

Brand ethos is the set of core beliefs and values that shape a company’s identity, image, and culture and the way it communicates them. Brand ethos serves as the moral compass, shaping the company’s behavior, interactions, and messaging.
A strong brand ethos fosters trust, resonates with consumers, and differentiates your business in the marketplace. In essence, it’s the heart and soul of a brand, deeply influencing how consumers perceive and relate to you.


Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) stands as a strategic approach companies adopt to harmonize marketing activities across multiple channels, ensuring a consistent brand message.

  • The central objective of IMC is to enhance brand execution and maintain a uniform brand narrative (in a TV ad, a website, or print media).
  • The uniformity approach of the IMC distinguishes a brand in a crowded marketplace and bolsters brand execution. It highlights brand recall and brings forth its unique attributes.
  • Another advantage lies in IMC’s efficient resource allocation, further elevating brand execution.
  • A notable benefit of IMC emerges in its ability to ensure inter-departmental cohesion. A collective brand message means that marketing, PR, advertising, and sales departments align seamlessly in their strategies.

Overall, IMC paves the way for a cohesive, consistent, and optimized brand execution strategy.

Here are easy guidelines you should follow to empower brand execution through IMC:

  1. Comprehensive Audit: Begin by meticulously assessing every piece of marketing collateral, from digital ads to print materials. Check for any deviation from the core brand message or any inconsistent representation.
  2. Develop a Unified Messaging Framework: Create a centralized document that encapsulates the brand’s mission, vision, values, and key messages. Ensure that every marketing activity, regardless of the channel, aligns with this framework.
  3. Harness Cutting-Edge Technology: Adopt advanced analytics and tracking tools. Such platforms provide invaluable insights into campaign effectiveness and areas for potential improvement.
  4. Encourage Cross-Departmental Collaboration: Break silos within the organization. Organize regular meetings where marketing, PR, sales, and advertising teams discuss strategies, share insights, and align their efforts for holistic brand execution.
  5. Continuous Training: Organize workshops and training sessions that focus on the importance of consistent messaging. Equip your teams with skills to maintain brand integrity across diverse channels.
  6. Feedback Mechanism: Implement systems to capture feedback internally from staff and externally from customers. Regular feedback helps in refining strategies and ensuring alignment.
  7. Consistency Checks: Periodically, revisit campaigns to ensure that the brand’s voice, tone, and messaging remain consistent. Adjust strategies as needed based on results and feedback.
  8. Allocate Resources Wisely: Ensure that budgets and resources are distributed in a manner that reinforces consistent messaging. For instance, if a specific channel aligns exceptionally well with the brand’s voice, it might deserve a larger budget share.
  9. Stay Updated: The marketing world evolves rapidly. Regularly update your strategies and tools to ensure your IMC approach remains effective and aligned with current best practices.
  10. Evaluate and Adapt: Finally, keep a pulse on the market. Analyze competitors, stay abreast of industry trends, and be willing to adapt your IMC strategy for optimal brand execution.


Quality Control for Successful Brand Execution

You need a robust quality control system to defend your brand’s authenticity, ensuring each portrayal aligns with its foundational principles. When striving to uphold an image and promise in the brand’s execution, intense quality control isn’t an extra—it’s essential. Think about every material representing your brand, whether a digital ad or product packaging. Each sends a clear message to your audience. Any deviation from your brand’s promise and positioning chips away at trustworthiness. Here are some guidelines you should follow:

  • Your brand execution success hinges on a firm commitment to align with your brand’s core values. Embed quality control evaluations into your routine.
  • Conduct systematic assessments, mark discrepancies, and address them without delay.
  • Adopt a vigilant stance to ensure every brand touchpoint amplifies identity and resonates with your target market.
  • Consider the rapid spread of digital content. It increases the chances of brand execution missteps.

Here are systematic steps for ensuring quality control in brand execution:

  1. Establish a Benchmark: Define the brand’s core values, positioning, and unique selling points. Document these in a central repository accessible to all stakeholders.
  2. Regular Audits: Schedule periodic checks of all branded materials, both digital and physical, to verify alignment with brand principles.
  3. Use Technology: Implement brand management software to monitor digital touchpoints and flag inconsistencies automatically.
  4. Feedback Collection: Set up mechanisms to gather feedback from both internal teams and external consumers about brand perceptions.
  5. Training: Equip team members with regular training sessions on brand guidelines and the importance of maintaining brand consistency.
  6. Address Discrepancies: When inconsistencies arise, address them immediately. Determine the root cause and implement corrective measures.
  7. Document and Update: After each quality control check, document findings and, if necessary, update the brand guidelines based on insights gained.
  8. Engage External Experts: Consider periodic reviews by external brand consultants to provide an unbiased perspective on brand execution.
  9. Review and Adjust: Given market dynamics, periodically review the brand’s positioning and adjust the execution strategy as needed.
  10. Continuous Monitoring: Beyond scheduled checks, foster a culture of continuous vigilance where team members are encouraged to report any misalignment they observe.

By following the listed steps, brand execution remains consistent, preserving the brand’s image and promise in consumers eyes.


Employee Training for Best Brand Execution

Employee Training for Successful Brand Execution

Recognize the pivotal role employee training plays in brand execution. Your employees act as the face of your brand; if they lack understanding or commitment to its values, the brand’s execution suffers. A staff well-versed in your brand’s ethos and goals directly influences positive consumer perceptions.

Besides well-known training methods, consider implementing one of the following five innovative training methods for optimal brand execution:

Immersive VR Sessions:

  • Overview: Virtual Reality (VR) provides an interactive 3D environment, offering a firsthand experience without real-world consequences.
  • Application: For brand execution, you might recreate a store environment where employees interact with virtual customers, answering questions or addressing concerns that mirror actual brand scenarios. This hands-on approach allows employees to practice and refine their brand representation skills in a safe, controlled setting.

Gamified Learning Modules:

  • Overview: Gamification incorporates game-design elements in training modules.
  • Application: Design training programs where employees earn points or badges for correctly answering brand-related questions or completing brand-aligned tasks. Leaderboards and rewards stimulate motivation, ensuring engagement while reinforcing brand values.

Cross-Departmental Workshops:

  • Overview: These workshops bring together employees from different departments.
  • Application: Organize sessions where marketing, sales, and customer service teams collaborate. Such interactions deepen the understanding of how the brand’s message permeates through various touchpoints, fostering a unified brand execution.

Scenario-based E-learning:

  • Overview: Online modules present hypothetical, real-world challenges.
  • Application: Employees encounter situations where they must apply brand principles to resolve issues. For instance, they might navigate a disgruntled customer’s complaint, ensuring they uphold the brand’s values in their response.

Mentorship Programs:

  • Overview: New employees pair with experienced colleagues.
  • Application: New hires benefit from the insights and experiences of seasoned staff, gaining a deeper appreciation of the brand’s ethos. Regular check-ins, shadowing sessions, and feedback loops ensure the best brand execution.

Now, to organize effective training for brand execution:

  1. Assess Knowledge Gaps: Before launching training, identify areas where employees need insight or refreshers.
  2. Customize Content: Tailor training materials to address identified gaps, ensuring relevance.
  3. Choose a Suitable Method: Select one or multiple methods from the list depending on your workforce and resources.
  4. Schedule Sessions: Allocate time for training, ensuring minimal disruption to regular operations.
  5. Gather Feedback: After training, solicit participant feedback to gauge effectiveness and areas for improvement.
  6. Iterate: Adjust future training sessions based on feedback to maintain a dynamic and effective approach.

With a well-trained workforce, you’ll elevate brand execution, forging a stronger bond with your target market.


Leverage Technology for Brand Execution

Leverage Technology for Brand Execution

Neglecting the latest technological advancements will endanger your brand execution and expose your company to several pitfalls:

  • In an era where consumer expectations evolve rapidly, outdated methods fail to capture real-time insights, leaving brands blind to emerging market trends.
  • Personalizing customer interactions becomes a challenge without modern tools, potentially leading to decreased engagement.
  • Competitors harnessing updated technologies could offer innovative solutions, making them more appealing to consumers.

Without automation and modern technology, your brand execution will fall behind competitors. The resultant stagnation will lead to reduced revenues, weakened market positioning, and tarnished brand perception. It’s not just about falling behind but risking market irrelevance and potential revenue loss.

Leveraging technology remains essential for your brand execution. For optimal brand execution, we recommend implementing some of the following:

  1. Utilize Advanced Analytics: Employ analytics platforms such as Google Analytics or Tableau to gain granular insights into consumer behavior. By understanding consumer preferences, you tailor strategies that resonate and drive engagement.
  2. Adopt Automation Tools: CRM systems, like Salesforce or HubSpot, manage customer interactions, ensuring a consistent brand promise at every touchpoint.
  3. Dive into AR and VR: Augmented and virtual reality technologies, like those offered by Oculus or Magic Leap, create immersive brand experiences. They bridge the digital-physical divide, allowing for memorable brand interactions.
  4. Integrate Chatbots: Platforms like ManyChat or Drift offer chatbot services. They provide real-time customer assistance, ensuring immediate responses to queries and bolstering the brand reputation.

Strategic integration of automation and new technologies into your branding execution will lead to heightened market presence and deeper consumer connections. Remember, in an age where technology evolves rapidly, staying ahead of the curve ensures brand relevance and resilience.


Collaborations & Partnerships

Collaborations and partnerships hold transformative potential for brand execution. Consider aligning with businesses that complement or elevate your brand’s positioning. The benefits will be manifold:

  • Wider access to audiences and combined expertise for better solutions. For example, when a tech startup partners with an established enterprise, it benefits from a vast customer base and resources while the enterprise gains innovative agility.
  • Partnerships also enhance brand credibility. Associating with a respected entity lends brand legitimacy in areas lacking inherent authority. For instance, a skincare brand partnering with a recognized dermatological institute instills consumer trust.
  • Collaboration brings forth pooled resources, not only financially but also in terms of skills, technologies, and networks. Shared pool support for efficient brand execution, offering both parties a competitive edge.

However, it’s vital to choose partners with aligned values and objectives. A mismatch risks diluting brand identity and confusing the target audience. Prioritizing transparency, mutual benefit, and clear communication ensures that collaboration fortifies the brand’s position and enhances its execution, reach and reputation.

Examples of Successful Brand Execution Through Collaboration and Partnerships

Real-life examples with their respective results offer concrete proof of the transformative power of collaborations and partnerships in brand execution:

  1. H&M and Designer Collaborations: H&M has frequently collaborated with high-end designers such as Versace, Balmain, and Alexander Wang. The Balmain collaboration in 2015 was particularly significant. Reportedly, within just a few hours of the collection’s launch, over 90% of the Balmain x H&M collection was sold out.
  2. Spotify and Starbucks: In 2015, Spotify teamed up with Starbucks to create a music ecosystem. Starbucks reported that this partnership drove its loyalty program membership, with a growth of approximately 11% in its active membership in the year following the collaboration.
  3. Apple and IBM: These two giants, once competitors, teamed up in 2014 to transform enterprise mobility. By 2018, they had developed over 100 business app solutions, which played a role in IBM reporting revenue growth of 3.9% to $19.7 billion in Q3 2018, breaking a 5-year streak of declining revenues.

Such real-world instances emphasize that when companies strategically align and combine strengths, they significantly elevate brand execution, leading to measurable and impressive outcomes.


Feedback and Continuous Evolution of Brand Execution

When driving brand execution, consider employing feedback loops for a competitive edge. Why? Your audience’s real-time responses highlight what resonates and what falls flat.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement of Brand Execution
  • Dive deep into tools like Net Promoter Score (NPS); a higher score typically correlates with business growth.
  • Organize online surveys to tap into consumer insights directly. Tailor your surveys to specific aspects of your brand to gain precise insights. Notably, Bain & Company highlighted that companies using regular customer feedback have a growth rate 2.5 times larger than their counterparts.
  • Consider setting up dedicated feedback channels. Use online platforms where customers naturally discuss their experiences. Platforms such as Trustpilot or Glassdoor offer invaluable feedback. Did you know that 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations?
  • Additionally, think about evolving continuously. The market never remains static. For instance, during 2019–2020, sustainable brands saw 5.6 times faster growth than those not identified as sustainable.

Sustainable brands prioritize social, environmental, and financial responsibility in operations, products, and services. Instead of focusing solely on profits, they aim to positively impact society and the environment. They assess the entire product lifecycle, striving for minimal ecological impact and beneficial socio-economic outcomes.

Examples supporting the faster growth of sustainable brands:

  1. Patagonia, committed to eco-friendly materials, reported an increase in sales by 30% in 2017, outpacing many competitors in the apparel sector.
  2. Ecover, emphasizing biodegradable ingredients, saw a 20% revenue boost in Europe within a year, contrasting with many conventional cleaning brands.
  3. reported that Tesla, with its focus on electric vehicles, recorded a staggering $31.5 billion in revenue in 2020, and $82 billion in 2022, demonstrating rapid growth compared to traditional automotive companies.

Such figures underscore the tangible benefits of adopting sustainable practices in today’s market.

In conclusion, incorporate feedback mechanisms and commit to ongoing adaptation for constantly successful brand execution. As a result, you’ll maintain relevance and gain a competitive edge, leading to increased brand loyalty and growth.

Brand Positioning

What is Brand Positioning?

Brand positioning is the process of creating a unique identity for your brand that sets it apart from the competition.

The process involves developing a distinct voice that resonates with your target audience. Creating a visual identity that people will remember and recognize right away is another part of brand positioning.

Brand Positioning Examples and Success Stories

Here are some real-life examples to help you understand the concept better:

  1. Tesla

Tesla has become synonymous with vehicles that run on sustainable energy. Tesla has successfully differentiated itself as a leader in the electric vehicle market. It does this by positioning itself as a disruptive force in the automotive industry.

Brand Positioning Example - Tesla car

Commitment to technology and innovation are some of Tesla’s main selling points. It’s also known for creating a consistent, minimalist visual identity. Hence, its marketing strategy reinforces these values and vision.

  1. Nike

Nike’s brand positioning is based on its “Just Do It” slogan. Those three simple words encourage customers to be active and work toward their goals by emphasizing a “can-do” attitude.

Its branding focuses on high performance, new ideas, a commitment to social responsibility, and being open to everyone.

  1. Apple

Apple’s brand positioning is based on three factors:

  1. The way its products look
  2. How innovative they are
  3. How easy they are to use

Focusing on simplicity and paying close attention to details has given the company a sense of exclusivity and high quality. Apple’s marketing strategy emphasizes its brand values, such as creativity and individuality.

Why You Need Proper Brand Positioning

Amplify brand awareness: Brand positioning helps to create a clear image of your brand, which can help to amplify brand awareness. When people can easily identify your brand, they are more likely to remember it, and this can lead to increased brand recognition.

Increase brand loyalty: Effective brand positioning can lead to increased brand loyalty. It does this by creating a connection between your company and its customers. The connection is what drives brand loyalty.

Enhances pricing power: When brands are positioned correctly, they can command higher prices for their products and services. By figuring out their unique value proposition and putting it front and center, companies can charge more. Smart positioning can also make your products seem more exclusive. This gives you even more pricing power.

Facilitates expansion and growth: With a clear brand identity and unique value proposition, companies can target new demographics and tap into new markets. Smart positioning also makes sure that the brand message stays the same on all platforms, which is important for growth and expansion.

The Ultimate Guide To Successful Brand Positioning

Copy our step-by-step brand positioning strategy below. We’ve provided all of the details and tips you will need.


Determine your current brand positioning

The first step in making a strategy for brand positioning is to figure out where your brand stands now. Take a close look at your business and ask yourself some key questions.

What are our current brand values, and how do we communicate those values to our customers? This will help you understand where you currently stand in the market and where you need to go.

Knowing the four main types of brand positioning will help with the process. They are:

  1. Functional Positioning:

This type of positioning focuses on the practical benefits of a product or service, like its features, quality, or price.

  1. Emotional Positioning:

Emotional positioning creates an emotional connection between the brand and the customer. This type of positioning focuses on the customer’s feelings and aspirations.

  1. Image Positioning:

This type of positioning is based on the brand’s image and the associations that customers have with it. Image positioning is often used by luxury brands to create exclusivity and prestige.

  1. Competitive Positioning:

This type of positioning is based on a brand’s comparison to its competitors. Competitive positioning focuses on how the brand is different or better than its competitors. It often emphasizes its unique value proposition.


Create a brand essence chart

A brand essence chart is a useful tool that can help you clearly define your brand’s personality and values.

This chart should include your brand’s core values, personality, and unique selling propositions.

People tend to make mistakes when declaring their brand’s personality and values. You must know what they mean to avoid such issues with your chart.

Brand personality is the set of human characteristics that the brand embodies. It includes traits like “adventurous,” “sophisticated,” or “quirky.” These terms help to define the brand’s tone and voice.

Brand values are the core beliefs and principles that guide the brand’s behavior and decision-making. They often reflect the brand’s mission and vision. They also help to establish the brand’s overall purpose and identity.


Identify your competitors

To develop a strong brand positioning strategy, you need to understand who your competitors are. Identify your key competitors, perform competitive analysis, and take a close look at their products and services.

To find your competitors, try the following tips:

  • Conduct online research to identify companies with similar products or services
  • Check industry directories and databases for potential competitors
  • Ask current customers who they consider as alternatives to your brand
  • Look for companies that target the same audience or operate in the same geographical location as your brand
  • Attend industry events and trade shows to meet other players in the market
  • Monitor social media and online forums for mentions of your brand and competing brands


Conduct competitor research

Once you’ve identified your competitors, it’s time to research their businesses. Analyze their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their messaging and brand positioning strategies.

This will help you understand where you can differentiate yourself in the market. The Dollar Shave Club used competitor research to position itself successfully.

The company discovered that brands like Gillette marketed their razors as high-end. The Dollar Shave Club positioned its brand as a cheaper, more casual alternative. And it worked!


Identify your unique value proposition

What sets your brand apart from your competitors’? This is your unique value proposition, which is a key part of a good strategy for positioning your brand.

Identify what makes your brand different, and focus on communicating that to your target audience.


Build a brand positioning framework

A brand positioning framework summarizes the journey of creating a working strategy. From your target audience to key messages – it covers it all.

Here’s an example of a brand positioning framework:

Target audienceHealth-conscious millennials
Unique value propositionOur product is the only one in the market that combines organic ingredients with affordable pricing
Competitive advantageOur company has a direct relationship with farmers, enabling us to source the best quality ingredients at a lower cost
Key messageWe offer affordable, organic products. They help health-conscious millennials feel good about what they eat


Create your positioning statement

Your positioning statement is a short sentence that sums up what makes your brand special and where it fits in the market. It should be clear, concise, and memorable.

To create a brand positioning statement, first identify the target audience and their needs. Next, articulate the brand’s unique value proposition, and finally, differentiate the brand from competitors.

The statement should answer the question, “Why should our target audience choose our brand over our competitors?”

Here’s a sample positioning statement:

We understand that the buying process does not end after a purchase is made. This is why we offer our customers the best post-purchase experience through our shipment tracking tool, Trackmage.

With Trackmage, we can let our customers know exactly where their order is and what its status is in real time. This makes it easy for them to know when their order will arrive. We promise to provide our customers with the best service they deserve, even after they click the “buy” button.


Evaluate whether your positioning works

Soon after developing your brand positioning strategy, evaluate whether it’s working.

Keep track of the following metrics:

  • Market share
  • Customer lifetime value
  • Brand awareness
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Customer loyalty
  • Net promoter score
  • Sales revenue
  • Conversion rates
  • Website traffic
  • Social media engagement


Establish an emotional connection with prospects and customers

To build a strong brand, you need to establish an emotional connection with your prospects and customers. It fosters loyalty, creates brand advocates, and leads to increased customer lifetime value.

Focus on creating a brand story that resonates with your target audience and communicating your brand values in a way that’s authentic and relatable.

Wizards of the Coast uses stories to market their Dungeons & Dragons games. These games are multiplayer, helping players build lasting relationships. The company knows this and uses it to its advantage here.


Reinforce your brand’s differentiating qualities during the sales process

Once you’ve decided how to position your brand, it’s important to keep it in mind during the sales process.

Make sure your sales team knows how to talk about what makes your brand special. Your marketing materials and website should also reflect your brand messaging.


Create value

Your target audience deserves high-quality products and services. They will also appreciate it if you keep telling them what your brand can do for them.

Focus on doing the following:

  1. Understanding customer needs and preferences
  2. Regularly seeking feedback
  3. Offering personalized and relevant experiences
  4. Building long-term relationships with customers.


Ensure that customer-facing employees embody your brand

Lastly, it’s important to make sure that all employees who interact with customers live up to your brand’s values and message.

Examples of customer-facing employees are:

  • Sales representatives
  • Customer service representatives
  • Account managers
  • Retail employees
  • Delivery drivers
  • Receptionists
  • Technical support staff
  • Event staff
  • Hospitality staff
  • Brand ambassadors

Train them to communicate your brand’s unique value proposition. Make sure that they’re representing your brand in a way that’s consistent with your brand positioning strategy.


Now that you know how to create strong brand positioning in your market, it’s time to get to brand execution. 

We recommend you take enough time to complete each step. Try not to rush the process. Also, get as many expert opinions as possible. Others may notice key points you missed.

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