Track Chinz Logistics shipments

Chinz Logistics was founded in 2010, and as of 2018, it is the largest Chinese integrated logistics firm in New Zealand, providing logistics services across a wide range of industries. The global nature of the transport industry has brought us together, allowing us to offer the benefits of transportation across all sectors. A corporation having transportation, supply chain management, and IT (information technology) capabilities that connects many locations across the globe. A year ago, it had a subsidiary in China and eleven business divisions; today, it has over ten subsidiaries in China and more than ten departments.
Chinz Logistics
Track Chinz Logistics shipments
Chinz Logistics was founded in 2010, and as of 2018, it is the largest Chinese integrated logistics firm in New Zealand, providing logistics services across a wide range of industries. The global nature of the transport industry has brought us together, allowing us to offer the benefits of transportation across all sectors. A corporation having transportation, supply chain management, and IT (information technology) capabilities that connects many locations across the globe. A year ago, it had a subsidiary in China and eleven business divisions; today, it has over ten subsidiaries in China and more than ten departments.

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