Track Colissimo(La Poste) shipments

Using La Poste's parcel delivery service, you can make parcel deliveries through Colissimo and Chronopost. Colissimo delivers parcels of less than 30 kg in 48 hours at a lower cost in France and internationally. For packages ready to send, they also provide a service and they deliver it to you. For larger packages that don't fit your mailbox, you can use your local post office.
Colissimo(La Poste)
Track Colissimo(La Poste) shipments
Using La Poste's parcel delivery service, you can make parcel deliveries through Colissimo and Chronopost. Colissimo delivers parcels of less than 30 kg in 48 hours at a lower cost in France and internationally. For packages ready to send, they also provide a service and they deliver it to you. For larger packages that don't fit your mailbox, you can use your local post office.

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