Track Serpost shipments

Servicios Postales del Perú S.A. – SERPOST S.A. is a private-legal entity created pursuant to the State's Business and Company Law whose major activities are the provision, nationally and internationally, of postal services in all its forms with a scope of action. Legislative Decree No. 685 authorizes SERPOST S.A., as the State Postal Administration, without exclusivity, a postal service concession, which obliges it to provide the service throughout the country to comply with international accords and conventions.
Track Serpost shipments
Servicios Postales del Perú S.A. – SERPOST S.A. is a private-legal entity created pursuant to the State's Business and Company Law whose major activities are the provision, nationally and internationally, of postal services in all its forms with a scope of action. Legislative Decree No. 685 authorizes SERPOST S.A., as the State Postal Administration, without exclusivity, a postal service concession, which obliges it to provide the service throughout the country to comply with international accords and conventions.

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