Track STONE3PL shipments

Anxianda is a food cold chain logistics brand, a full-link, full-scenario food cold chain logistics service solution that is created on the foundation of the growing food cold chain logistics service market that is supported by the "online + offline + new retail" omnichannel business layout and food supply chain advantages. Anxianda's cold chain logistics center network has now been laid up in 15 different cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. A 2 million-piece daily processing capacity, together with social collaborative distribution resources, allows for 365,000 client contracts being fulfilled every day. Last year, Anxianta ensured that 670 million fresh food items were delivered to customers and that delivery was completed with a delivery rate above 99%.
Track STONE3PL shipments
Anxianda is a food cold chain logistics brand, a full-link, full-scenario food cold chain logistics service solution that is created on the foundation of the growing food cold chain logistics service market that is supported by the "online + offline + new retail" omnichannel business layout and food supply chain advantages. Anxianda's cold chain logistics center network has now been laid up in 15 different cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. A 2 million-piece daily processing capacity, together with social collaborative distribution resources, allows for 365,000 client contracts being fulfilled every day. Last year, Anxianta ensured that 670 million fresh food items were delivered to customers and that delivery was completed with a delivery rate above 99%.

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