Track ZhongLu Logistics shipments

Zhonglu Logistics is a top cross-border e-commerce service provider in China. They have 10+ branches across China, covering key e-commerce hubs. With global warehouses and 400+ employees, they handle 300k+ parcels daily. Their logistics services span Europe, the US, Japan, and more. Customer-centric and value-driven, Zhonglu Logistics supports Chinese e-commerce enterprises in going global.
ZhongLu Logistics
Track ZhongLu Logistics shipments
Zhonglu Logistics is a top cross-border e-commerce service provider in China. They have 10+ branches across China, covering key e-commerce hubs. With global warehouses and 400+ employees, they handle 300k+ parcels daily. Their logistics services span Europe, the US, Japan, and more. Customer-centric and value-driven, Zhonglu Logistics supports Chinese e-commerce enterprises in going global.

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