December 23, 2023
Reading time: 4 minutes

Common Order Tracking Challenges for SMBs

Running a small business comes with challenges, especially when it comes to tracking orders. From delivering on time to managing customer expectations, there are several hurdles to overcome.

In this article, we’ll look at the common challenges SMBs face with order tracking and offer practical solutions. Whether it’s inventory problems, shipping delays, or customer communication, we’ll provide valuable insights to help SMBs handle order tracking more easily.

What Is Order Managing All About?

Small shops often face common problems when managing orders. These include issues such as incomplete or missing integrations, erratic or slow syncs, weak documentation, and unresponsive customer service. These problems can result in potential errors, affect shipping and inventory data accuracy, and make troubleshooting difficult. Some shops may also lack access to necessary order management tools due to software limitations.

Implementing new order management software can be challenging due to complicated onboarding processes, insufficient features, and a lack of support for barcode scanning, multi-package orders, and variations. These difficulties can have an impact on the business’s operations and potential for growth.

Big Problems Small Shops Have with Orders

When a shop can’t use scanners for orders, it can lead to errors and slow down processing. Waiting for new features can slow operations and hinder business growth. If a shop is stuck and needs help with orders, unresponsive customer service can be a significant problem for businesses.

Why You Might Not Get All the Order Tools You Need

When Your Shop Can’t Use Scanners for Orders

Mixing up orders can be a hassle when the order management software doesn’t support barcode scanning, multi-package orders, or variations. This can lead to errors and make it challenging to keep track of orders accurately.

Some order management software lack essential features like support for in-store fulfillment, POS system integration, or automatic rate-shopping for shipping. This can lead to difficulties when fulfilling orders from different channels.

If the order management software lacks configurable or customizable settings, businesses may find it frustrating to change order settings, especially those with fluctuating sales and specific requirements.

Having a Hard Time with Many Stores or Places

Using scanners for orders can be challenging. This can lead to errors in the order fulfillment process. It can also cause confusion if orders from different stores or locations get mixed up. Businesses may struggle to get started or learn to use order software effectively. This can make the order management process less efficient.

When It’s a Hassle to Mix up Orders How You Want

Mixing up orders can be a hassle when the order management software doesn’t support barcode scanning. This can lead to errors and inefficiencies in the order tracking process.

Without scanners for orders, the accuracy of shipping and inventory data is impacted. It also becomes challenging to process multi-package orders efficiently.

If the order management software lacks essential features, businesses may face difficulties and potential challenges when switching to a different system in the future.

The Trouble with Changes and New Stuff for Orders

If You Can’t Change Settings for Your Orders

If you can’t change order settings, it can cause problems when switching to a different system. Waiting for new features might mean the system won’t grow with the business, affecting order management efficiency. Not being able to modify order settings can also lead to a lack of important features, impacting the entire order management process.

Why Waiting for New Features Slows You Down

Not having all the necessary order tools can slow down operations. This can lead to potential errors and inefficiency. Waiting for new features in order management can slow down the process. This is especially true if the software does not grow and evolve with the business’s needs. Having a smart team matters for order software. Ineffective support can lead to a frustrating experience, hindering operational efficiency.

The Headache of Getting Started with Order Software

When You’re Stuck and Need Help With Your Orders

Order managing is about receiving, tracking, and fulfilling orders. It’s a collaborative effort involving people, processes, and suppliers.

Some order management software might not have all the necessary integrations and bidirectional sync. This can make it challenging for businesses to access all the tools they need.

Slow or nonexistent feature updates with some order management software could mean the system will not grow with the business. This could lead to potential challenges when switching to a different system in the future.

Learning to Use Order Tools Can Be Too Tricky

Order Management is about receiving, tracking, and fulfilling orders to make customers happy.

Some order management software may not have all the necessary integrations, like CRM, PIM, and ERP. This can cause businesses to find workarounds and lead to errors.

A responsive team can make a big difference in addressing and resolving issues with order management software.

Why Having a Smart Team Matters for Order Software

Small shops face challenges due to the lack of digitalization in order management. This leads to visibility, streamlining, and tracking problems. The absence of order tools can result in potential errors, impact shipping and inventory accuracy, and affect the system of record. Therefore, having a smart team is important for effectively using order software. Digitalizing the business process can streamline activities, solve visibility problems, and help small shops overcome these challenges.

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