February 27, 2023
Reading time: 24 minutes

Email Marketing Engagement: 27 Best Tips (Proven & Easy)

Email Marketing Engagement: Boost Open and Click-through Rates and Conversions

Email marketing revenue is estimated to reach almost $11 billion by the end of 2023. (Statista, 2021). It is a powerful tool to reach out to buyers and increase the chances of achieving your goals. But sometimes it feels like you’re sending emails into space. How to ensure your emails are read and acted upon?

In this article, we give you 27 tried-and-tested email marketing engagement boosters to improve your campaigns’ effectiveness. Let’s dive in!

What is email marketing engagement?

Email Marketing Engagement - Boost Open and Click-through Rates and Conversions

To understand how to create an email marketing strategy, you must have goals. For most people, the goal is engagement.

Hence, before we reveal the 27 best email marketing strategies, you should understand how engagement works. Doing so will make implementing the strategies easier.

Email engagement is all about making sure people are actually reading and interacting with the emails you send. It’s a virtual high-five for your email marketing efforts! When people do any of the following, it means they are engaged:

  • Open your emails
  • Click on links
  • Reply your email
  • Forward them to a friend

Consider email marketing to be similar to throwing a party. You want people to show up and have a good time, and that’s exactly what email engagement is all about. Whether you are in eCommerce, retail, or B2B growth marketing, email engagement is vital for the success of all campaigns.

How to measure email marketing engagement?

Measuring email engagement is all about keeping track of how your customers are interacting with the emails you send. There are a few key metrics you should be paying attention to:

  1. Open rate: This tells you how many people opened your email.
  2. Click-through rate: This tells you how many people clicked on a link within your email.
  3. Bounce rate: This tells you how many emails were undelivered and returned to the sender.
  4. Unsubscribe rate: This tells you how many people have opted out of receiving future emails from you.
  5. Forward rate: This tells you how many people forwarded your email to someone else.

Measuring email engagement means measuring how well your emails are doing. It allows you to fine-tune your email marketing strategy for better results. Below are some examples of how that would work.

  • If you notice that your open rate is low. You may want to work on making your subject lines more attention-grabbing.
  • If your click-through rate is low, you may want to include more calls to action in your emails.
  • If your unsubscribe rate is high, you may want to take a look at the frequency of your emails or the content you’re sending.

27 email marketing engagement tips

1. Define your target audience

2. Provide content that delivers value

3. Use automation

4. Develop an email marketing engagement plan

5. Comply with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003

6. A/B testing

7. Segment customers

8. Include CTAs

9. Set SMART goals

10.  Send a welcome email

11. Optimize subject lines

12. Pre-header text matters

13. Natural language

14. Utilize transactional emails

15. Mobile friendly

16. Personalize

17. Use graphics and infographics

18. Tell a story

19.  Include interactive elements

20. Reward the desired action

21.  Make email shareable

22.  Add questions

23.  Ask for opinion

24.  Create announcements

25.  Brand your emails

26.  Add exclusivity or urgency

27.  Evaluate marketing metrics


Define your target audience

The first step in increasing email engagement is to clearly identify who your target audience is. This will ensure that your emails are relevant and of interest to the people who are most likely to engage with them. If you know who you want to reach out to, create content to fit their needs and interests.

Define your target audience for better email marketing engagement

To define your target audience, start by gathering information about your existing customers. After that, identify common characteristics among them.

Use tools like surveys and focus groups to gather information about your potential target audience.

Additionally, you perform competitive analysis to research your competitors. See who they are targeting and how they are positioning themselves.


Provide content that delivers value

If you want people to engage with your emails, you need to provide them with something that they find valuable. Delivering value is one of the best email marketing strategies.

This could be information, discounts, or special promotions. Whatever it is, make sure it is relevant and useful to your target audience. This will increase the chances that they will open and engage with your emails.

Provide content that delivers value

Here are some pointers for high-converting email templates:

  • Provide helpful information that solves a problem or answers a question for your audience.
  • Create visually appealing content, such as infographics or videos.
  • Include a mix of different types of content, such as blog posts, e-books, and webinars.
  • Use customer feedback to understand what type of content they would like to see.
  • Use data, statistics, and research to back up your content.


Enroll in an email automation service

Use automation for better email marketing engagement

An email automation service can help send emails and make sure that they are delivered at the right time and to the right people. This can save you a lot of time and effort and help you focus on other aspects of your business.

There are several factors to consider when choosing an email automation service. These are:

  1. Subscription Size: The number of subscribers and emails you will be sending.
  2. Key Features: The features offered by the service. They must include automation, segmentation, and personalization
  3. Deliverability Rate: The rate at which the emails land in their inbox. It also depends on the reputation of the service
  4. Pricing: The cost and any additional charges for certain features
  5. Support: The level of customer support and resources offered by the service


Develop an email marketing plan

Having a clear email marketing plan will help you stay organized and on track. This plan should include your target audience, the type of content you will be sending, and the frequency of your emails. This will help you stay focused and achieve your goals.

Let’s look at an example of an email marketing plan for a new gym.

  1. Develop a series of welcome emails that introduce the gym, its facilities and services, and a special offer for new members.
  2. Use email automation to send a monthly newsletter. It can include tips on fitness and health, updates on new classes and events, and special promotions.
  3. Measure the success of the email marketing campaign by tracking engagement metrics
  4. Implement a more effective email marketing strategy based on your analysis of the metrics.


Comply with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003

The CAN-SPAM Act is a law that regulates commercial email. It requires that commercial emails be labeled as such, include a way for people to unsubscribe, and not be misleading. It’s important to follow this law if you want to build trust with your customers and make sure that your emails get sent.

Comply with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003

Noncompliance may result in penalties and fines. You may also expose your business to lawsuits from customers. Your brand’s reputation could suffer a serious blow from this.


Perform A/B testing

A/B testing is a way to compare two different versions of an email to see which one performs better. Testing helps you figure out which subject lines, headlines, and calls to action work best, so you can change things as needed.

Here’s how to do A/B testing:

  1. Create two versions of the same email with one minor difference, such as the subject line or call-to-action.
  2. Send one version to half of your email list and the other version to the other half.
  3. Compare the engagement metrics to determine which version performed better.
  4. Repeat the process multiple times to continuously optimize the email campaign.


Segment target customers

Customer segmentation is the best way to bring personalization to your email marketing strategy. By segmenting your target customers, you will tailor your emails to specific groups of people.

Create content that is more relevant and personal, which leads to more engagement.

To effectively segment customers, start by defining your business’ most vital characteristics.

Next, use data to identify which customers fit into each segment. Use customer relationship management (CRM) software, surveys, and other methods.

The key is to gather as much data as possible and use it to create segments that are meaningful and relevant to the business.

Here’s an example:

A company that sells outdoor gear wants to target customers who enjoy camping and hiking. They gather information on customers’ interests and purchase history.

They then use this information to separate their customers into groups with similar interests, such as camping or hiking.

By sending specific emails to each group, the company is able to offer more relevant products. This, in turn, increases customer engagement.


Include Calls to Action (CTAs) 

CTAs are prompts, buttons, or links that encourage people to take a specific action. Use them to direct people to your website, sign up for a service, or purchase. Be sure to include CTAs in your emails to increase engagement and conversions. Tell people what to do next, otherwise, there are high chances the email won’t lead to a desirable action.

While creating your CTA, remember the following tips:

  • Keep it short and clear
  • Make it actionable and specific
  • Place it above the fold or near the top
  • Make it stand out visually
  • Include a sense of urgency
  • Make it relevant to the reader’s needs or interests.


Set SMART goals

Setting SMART goals will help you stay focused and measure your progress. These goals should have the following qualities:

S – Specific: Goals should be clear and defined with specific details.

M – Measurable: Goals should have a clear way to track progress and measure success.

A – Achievable: Goals should be realistic and achievable within the given time frame.

R – Relevant: Goals should be relevant to your overall objectives and priorities.

T – Time-bound: Goals should have a deadline or specific time frame to reach the desired outcome.

By setting SMART goals, you’ll be able to track your progress and make adjustments as needed.


Send welcome emails for high email marketing engagement

Sending welcome emails plays a key role in boosting email marketing engagement. Studies demonstrate that welcome emails generate 320% more revenue on a per-email basis than other promotional emails.

Send welcome emails for high email marketing engagement

A compelling case study by Campaign Monitor showed that welcome emails boast an impressive open rate of 50%. Welcome emails are 86% more effective than standard newsletters. The immediate benefit is brand recognition. It sets the tone for future correspondence.

Welcome emails establish trust and pave the way for enhanced email marketing engagement. Ignoring the power of welcome emails means missing out on a proven method to amplify engagement metrics. Elevate your brand’s reach and ensure robust email marketing engagement by prioritizing welcome emails in your campaign strategy.

Creating and timing welcome emails is critical for maximum impact. Here’s a concise guide:


  1. Subject Line: Make it clear and inviting, like “Welcome to [Brand Name]!”
  2. Personalization: Use the subscriber’s name if possible.
  3. Content: Briefly introduce your brand, set expectations for future emails, and offer a special discount or exclusive content as a thank-you.
  4. Visuals: Include high-quality images or graphics that represent your brand.
  5. Clear CTA (Call to Action): Direct new subscribers to the next step, be it shopping, reading, or sharing.
  6. Mobile Optimization: Ensure the email looks good on mobile devices.
  7. Include an Unsubscribe Link: Legally required in many regions, it also builds trust.


  1. Immediate Delivery: Send within minutes of subscription. It capitalizes on the subscriber’s current interest.
  2. Business Hours: If not sending immediately, aim for peak open-rate times, usually between 10 am and 2 pm.
  3. Drip Sequence: Consider a series of welcome emails over days or weeks. For instance, the first email can be an introduction, the second might showcase the best-selling products, and the third could offer a discount.


Optimize subject lines

Subject lines act as the front door to your emails, directly influencing email marketing engagement. A study by Convince & Convert revealed that 35% of email recipients open emails based on the subject line alone. It underscores the immense power a mere few words hold in deciding an email’s fate.

Litmus, a prominent email analytics firm, provided a case study showing that a simple tweak in the subject line boosted open rates by 25%.

Optimize subject lines for high email marketing engagement

Given such compelling data, it’s clear that a captivating subject line ensures your email isn’t disregarded and amplifies email marketing engagement. It’s not just about getting the email opened; it’s about securing interest, trust, and subsequent action from the recipient. To foster robust email marketing engagement, invest time and creativity in crafting compelling subject lines; it’s where engagement begins.

Examples of bad and good email subject lines

Bad Email Subject Lines:

1. “Read This Now!”

2. “You’re Missing Out!”

3. “Product ABC for Sale!!!”

4. “Hey…”

5. “Update from Us”

Good Email Subject Lines:

1. “Exclusive Insight Awaits Inside.”

2. “Unlock Your Exclusive Benefits.”

3. “Introducing Product ABC: Your Next Essential.”

4. “A Special Note for You.”

5. “Latest News & Updates from [Brand Name].”

Creating enticing email subject lines that lead to high open rates requires a mix of creativity, strategy, and understanding of your audience.

A step-by-step quick guide to creating compelling email subject lines

  1. Know Your Audience: Understand who you’re talking to. Tailor your subject lines to their interests, preferences, and behavior.
  2. Keep It Concise: Aim for 50 characters or less. Most recipients quickly scan subject lines, especially on mobile.
  3. Incorporate Urgency, But Avoid Hype: Use phrases like “Limited Time” or “Last Chance,” but avoid ALL CAPS or excessive exclamation marks.
  4. Personalization: Using the recipient’s name or referencing past purchases can capture attention.
  5. Ask a Question: Engaging your readers with a relevant question can spark curiosity.
  6. Test and Analyze: Use A/B testing to try different subject lines and see which performs best. Tools like MailChimp or HubSpot offer these features.
  7. Avoid Spam Triggers: Words like “Free,” “Buy Now,” or “Urgent” can get your email sent to the spam folder.
  8. Be Honest: Ensure the subject line accurately reflects the email’s content.
  9. Use Action-Oriented Verbs: Start with verbs that inspire action, such as “Discover,” “Unlock,” or “Learn.”
  10. Leverage FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Highlight exclusivity or limited availability.

By following these steps and regularly analyzing your email performance data, you’ll craft subject lines that resonate with your audience and lead to heightened email marketing engagement.


Use natural language

Utilizing natural language is pivotal to elevating email marketing engagement rates. A departure from robotic, sales-heavy tones to conversational language can make all the difference.

Use natural language to improve email marketing engagement
  • Research from Phrasee, a language optimization tool, found that more “human” email language improved click-through rates by up to 241%. Why? Readers feel they’re interacting with a person, not a faceless entity.
  • A Mailchimp case study on email campaigns echoed similar results, indicating a 26% uplift in open rates when natural, conversational tones were used.

Linguistic shifts make recipients feel valued and understood, driving them to engage more with the content. Therefore, brands striving for improved email marketing engagement rates must prioritize this human touch in their communications. After all, authentic, relatable language builds trust and, consequently, boosts email marketing engagement rates.

Example of bad and good email tone

Bad tone of voice:
“Dear User, avail our latest promotion! Our top-rated product, XYZ, is now available for purchase. Don’t miss out on this unmatched opportunity. Act immediately!”

Natural and enticing version:
“Hey there! We thought you might love a special offer on our fan-favorite XYZ. Fancy a peek? Enjoy it while it lasts!”


Pre-header text matters

Pre-header text, the snippet accompanying a subject line, is an often overlooked factor important for email marketing engagement. It acts as a secondary hook, providing a brief insight into the email’s content.

  • According to the 2023. Litmus report, effective use of pre-header text can boost open rates by up to 30%.
  • In a compelling case study by Campaign Monitor, tweaking the pre-header led to a 7% increase in email marketing engagement.
Develop email marketing engagement plan

The benefits are clear: it gives subscribers a sneak peek, piquing interest and prompting openings. Given the limited real estate on mobile inboxes, where over 50% of emails are opened, optimizing pre-header text is non-negotiable for brands aiming for peak email marketing engagement.

Considering mobile phones, pre-header text should be concise to ensure visibility without being truncated.

7 guidelines to craft effective pre-headers for higher engagement rates

  1. Length Matters: Aim for 40-50 characters. Mobile inboxes typically display this amount, ensuring your message isn’t cut off.
  2. Complement, Don’t Repeat: Your pre-header should work in tandem with your subject line, providing additional context or a teaser, not just reiterating the same information.
  3. Incorporate a Call to Action (CTA): Engage your audience with action verbs or enticing phrases, such as “Discover more” or “See the surprise inside.”
  4. Personalize When Possible: If your email platform allows, include personalized elements, like the recipient’s first name or a recent product they viewed.
  5. Convey Urgency or Exclusivity: Use phrases like “Limited time” or “Exclusive peek” to evoke a sense of urgency, prompting readers to open immediately.
  6. Stay Relevant and Timely: Align your pre-header with current events, seasons, or user behavior. For instance, during the holidays, a festive touch can increase engagement.
  7. Test and Iterate: Monitor open rates and use A/B testing to determine which pre-headers resonate most with your audience. Adjust accordingly for optimal results.

By following these guidelines, you’ll optimize pre-headers for maximum impact, especially on mobile devices.


Utilize transactional emails

Transactional emails, often seen as mere confirmations or receipts, hold untapped potential for email marketing engagement. They are the workhorses of email communication, boasting an impressive open rate.

Pre-header text matters for email marketing engagement

Examples of transactional emails:

  1. Order Confirmation: Sent immediately after purchase, detailing the items bought, prices, and expected delivery date.
  2. Shipping Notification: Informs the customer when an item has been dispatched, often including a tracking number and estimated arrival time.
  3. Account Registration: Post-signup confirmation of successful account creation with an included request to verify the email address.
  4. Password Reset: Triggered by a user’s request to change or recover their password, typically containing a secure link or code for resetting.
  5. Monthly Invoice or Billing Statement: Provides a summary of charges or services used in a given period, often sent to subscribers of services or memberships.

Experian found that transactional emails witness 8 times more opens compared to regular marketing emails. It’s a golden opportunity for brands to interact, enhance upsells, and cross-sell.

A case study by Barilliance demonstrated that embedding product recommendations in transactional emails led to a 20% increase in revenue.

The rationale is simple: recipients expect and prioritize transactional emails, ensuring a captive audience. By adding value or making recommendations, brands confirm a transaction and pave the way for future purchases. It’s a blend of essential information and subtle upselling best practice. Leveraging transactional emails is not just smart—it’s indispensable. Integrating email marketing engagement strategies with transactional emails will drastically amplify open rates and conversions.


Making emails mobile-friendly is a requirement for email marketing engagement

Making emails mobile-friendly is paramount for achieving optimum email marketing engagement.

Making emails mobile-friendly -email marketing engagement requirement
  • With over 80% of emails opened on mobile devicesaccording to the 2022 study, neglecting this medium will be a costly oversight.
  • A compelling study by Adestra found that emails not optimized for mobile saw a 45% decrease in click-through rates.

The benefits are evident: mobile-friendly designs ensure seamless readability, prompt actions, and drive conversions. Emails that render poorly on mobile often result in immediate deletions, lost leads, or worse -subscribers opting out. To maximize email marketing engagement, you must ensure every sent email looks impeccable on a mobile screen.


Personalization to double email engagement rates

Personalization has emerged as a linchpin for supercharging email marketing engagement. No longer seen as a mere nicety, personalized content ensures recipients feel valued and understood, leading to deeper engagement.

Personalize for better engagement rates
  • A revealing study by Campaign Monitor demonstrated that emails with personalized subject lines experience a 26% higher open rate
  • Another compelling case comes from Experian, highlighting that personalized emails can drive up to a 6x increase in transaction rates.

Consumers today crave tailored experiences. When an email aligns with their interests or recent behaviors, the likelihood of interaction spikes. If you harness the power of personalization, you will improve email marketing engagement and strengthen trust and loyalty with your audience.

Major techniques to implement personalization in email marketing

  1. Name Personalization: Use the recipient’s name in the subject line or email body to create an immediate connection.
  2. Segmentation: Divide your email list based on demographics, location, or behavior, and tailor content for each group.
  3. Behavioral Triggers: Send emails based on user actions, like abandoned cart reminders, browsed products, or recently viewed items.
  4. Dynamic Content: Adjust email content based on the user’s past interactions, preferences, or purchase history.
  5. Birthday or Anniversary Emails: Celebrate personal milestones with special offers or messages.
  6. Recommendation Engines: Incorporate algorithms to suggest products or content based on past purchases or views.
  7. Geolocation Targeting: Tailor content, promotions, or events based on the recipient’s location.
  8. Survey or Feedback Responses: Personalize follow-up emails based on user feedback or survey answers.
  9. Lifecycle Stages: Adjust content based on where the user is in their journey, whether they’re new subscribers, loyal customers, or lapsed users.
  10. Interactive Personalization: Use quizzes or preference selectors, then personalize subsequent emails based on those interactions.


Use graphics and infographics

Harnessing graphics and infographics has become pivotal for boosting email marketing engagement. As visual creatures, readers are more drawn to and retain information better from images than text alone.

Use graphics and infographics for better email marketing engagement
  • According to a study by HubSpot, emails that include infographics experience a remarkable 200% increase in click-through rates.
  • Convincing evidence comes from the Content Marketing Institute: 65% of users are visual learners, emphasizing the value of integrating visual elements. Graphics and infographics simplify complex data, making it digestible and shareable. They add an aesthetic appeal, breaking text monotony and enhancing readability.
  • An Eye-tracking study by Nielsen Norman Group showcased that users pay closer attention to information-carrying images.

Blending captivating graphics and data-rich infographics is recommended and essential to elevating email marketing engagement. Such visual tools magnify email marketing engagement in today’s visually-driven digital landscape.


Storytelling: email marketing engagement secret weapon

Storytelling, the age-old art of weaving narratives, has gained importance in email marketing engagement. People innately connect with stories, making narratives a powerful tool for capturing attention and driving action.

A OneSpot study showed that email storytelling increases open rates by 82%. By humanizing a brand or product through tales, recipients consume content and feel a deeper emotional connection.

Famous brands harness the power of storytelling in marketing email campaigns. Some of these are:

  1. Apple: Often weaves stories around product launches, focusing on innovation and the people who use their devices to change the world.
  2. Nike: Instead of just promoting footwear, they frequently share inspirational stories of athletes, underscoring the idea of perseverance and achievement.
  3. Airbnb: Highlighting the personal experiences of hosts and travelers, Airbnb emphasizes belonging and authentic travel experiences.
  4. Dove: Known for their “Real Beauty” campaign, Dove tells stories of real women, challenging conventional beauty standards.
  5. Starbucks: Beyond just coffee, they share tales about ethical sourcing, community involvement, and stories of both baristas and customers.
  6. Coca-Cola: “Share a Coke” campaign and other advertisements frequently revolve around personal moments and shared experiences.

Compelling stories create emotional connections with audience, leading to increased loyalty and engagement.

A narrative adds depth, making an email more than just a promotional tool. It becomes a means of sharing values, experiences, and missions. To heighten email marketing engagement, utilize the power of storytelling.


Include interactive elements

Incorporating interactive elements has become a game-changer for boosting email marketing engagement. Such elements not only capture attention but also encourage active participation from recipients.

Include interactive elements for better email marketing engagement

Examples of interactive elements include:

  • polls, 
  • surveys, 
  • sliders, 
  • animated GIFs,
  • gamified elements like spin-the-wheel for discounts. 

According to a MarketTailor study from June 2023emails with interactive components increase click rates by up to 300%

Litmus found that interactive emails can potentially boost sales, with some companies noting a 27% conversion rate uplift.

The logic is straightforward: interactivity transforms passive reading into an engaging experience, prompting action and deeper involvement.

Embedding dynamic elements into email campaigns will profoundly transform email marketing engagement metrics, driving not just views, but tangible actions and responses.


Reward desired action

Elevating email marketing engagement is a subtle endeavor, with rewarding desired actions emerging as an effective tactic. At its core, it’s about acknowledging and appreciating subscribers’ actions, nudging them toward deeper involvement. When recipients realize that engagements—be it opening an email, clicking on a link, or sharing content—lead to tangible rewards, they’re more likely to engage repeatedly.

Email Marketing Engagement - Reward the desired action

The research underscores the power of this approach. According to recent studies, campaigns that implemented rewards saw a notable surge of 68% in open rates. Furthermore, a 48% increase in conversions was observed when subscribers were offered incentives like exclusive content, discounts, or early access to offerings for active engagement

The evidence is clear: fostering a reciprocal relationship, where desired actions from subscribers are met with rewarding experiences, directly fuels email marketing engagement.

Here are five examples of awards you can offer to increase email marketing engagement:

  1. Educational Content: Provide access to exclusive webinars, e-books, or tutorial videos. This adds value for your subscribers and positions you as a trusted source of knowledge in your industry.
  2. Loyalty Points: For businesses with a loyalty program, offering bonus points for certain email interactions can be enticing. For example, points could be awarded for completing a survey or referring a friend.
  3. Exclusive Access: Offer early access to sales, events, or new product launches. Subscribers will appreciate the VIP treatment and may be more inclined to engage with future emails.
  4. Personalized Recommendations: Provide subscribers with personalized product or content suggestions based on browsing or purchase history. This tailored approach can make subscribers feel valued and understood.
  5. Downloadable Resources: Offer tools like printable checklists, templates, or guides relevant to your industry. Such resources can be useful to the subscriber and a non-aggressive way to increase engagement.


Make emails sharable

Harnessing the power of shareability is a potent strategy to amplify email marketing engagement. By making email content easily sharable, you tap into an organic growth mechanism, allowing subscribers to become advocates.

Make emails sharable for better email marketing engagement
  • A recent study revealed that emails with prominent sharing options witness a 115% increase in click-through rates.
  • Another case analysis showed a campaign’s reach expanded by 47% simply because recipients were actively sharing the email content within their networks. 

When an email resonates, subscribers are inclined to share it, introducing it to a broader audience that trusts their recommendations. This boosts email marketing engagement and augments the potential for new subscriber acquisition. In essence, integrating shareability into emails creates a ripple effect, taking engagement metrics beyond the confines of the initial recipient list and capitalizing on word-of-mouth credibility.


Add questions

Adding questions boosts email marketing engagement. Questions pique the reader’s curiosity.

  • A recent study revealed that emails with questions saw a 25% increase in open rates.
  • Another research indicated a 15% hike in click-through rates.

Queries promote a two-way conversation. They create a more interactive experience. To optimize email marketing engagement, incorporate questions that will interest your audience.

Examples of 10 questions used in email marketing campaigns that boosted engagement (based on A/B testing):

  1. Have you discovered our latest feature yet?
  2. What’s your biggest challenge this season?
  3. Ready to unlock exclusive deals?
  4. How can we better serve your needs?
  5. Missed our latest update? Curious to see what’s new?
  6. Ever wondered what’s behind our top-selling product?
  7. What’s your personal secret to success?
  8. Dreaming of a getaway? Where’s your next destination?
  9. Which book changed your life recently?
  10. Ready to dive deep into your next passion project?


Ask for opinion for better email marketing engagement

Asking for opinions elevates email marketing engagement. When recipients share views, they invest time and thought.

Ask for opinion for email marketing engagement
  • A survey demonstrated that emails seeking opinions achieved a 30% higher open rate.
  • Another analysis revealed a 17% growth in click-through rates when opinions were solicited.
  • In a compelling case study, a health retailer sought feedback on new products. The result? A 23% surge in response rates.

Seeking opinions transforms passive readers into active participants. They feel valued and heard. This approach not only enriches the quality of feedback but also fosters loyalty. With concrete data backing, it’s clear: seeking opinions significantly amplifies email marketing engagement.

Asking for opinions carries several positive effects:

  1. Builds Trust: It signals to the recipients that their thoughts and feelings matter, establishing a sense of trust.
  2. Tailored Content: By understanding the preferences and dislikes of the audience, content can be customized to better resonate with them.
  3. Increased Loyalty: When customers feel they play a part in shaping decisions, they often display higher loyalty.
  4. Enhances Interactivity: Asking for opinions transforms the email from a monologue into a dialogue, making interactions more engaging.
  5. Gathers Valuable Data: Opinions provide insights into customer behavior, needs, and preferences.
  6. Encourages Engagement: People are more likely to engage when they feel their voice makes a difference.
  7. Higher Retention: Engaged users who share their opinions are less likely to unsubscribe or mark emails as spam.
  8. Refines Strategy: Continuous feedback helps in tweaking and refining future email campaigns.

In essence, seeking opinions nurtures a two-way relationship, benefiting both the sender and the recipient.

Here are two studies that touch on the psychological effects of being asked for an opinion:

  1. The IKEA Effect (Norton, Mochon, & Ariely, 2012)
  • Study: This research is not exclusive to email communication but sheds light on how consumers value their input. The study demonstrated that people assign greater value to products they had a hand in creating—a phenomenon termed the “IKEA effect.”
  • Implication: When companies ask for consumers’ opinions, it gives them a sense of co-creation and ownership, making them feel more connected and invested in the end product or decision.
  1. The Mere Consultation Effect (Fischer, Völckner, & Sattler, 2010)
  • Study: This research explored how consumers perceive brands after being consulted during product development. Results showed that mere consultation positively affected brand attitudes, even without implementing feedback.
  • Implication: When companies ask for opinions, consumers perceive the brand more positively, even if their feedback isn’t directly used.

Both studies underscore the value of seeking opinions and how they create a more positive perception and deeper connection between consumers and companies.


Create announcements for 28% higher open rates

Crafting announcements enhances email marketing engagement. Announcements arouse curiosity and anticipation. Data shows emails centered around announcements achieve a 28% higher open rate.

Create announcements for 28_ higher open rates

Airbnb’s Major Rebranding (2014)

  • Background: Airbnb underwent a significant rebranding, introducing a new logo and identity. They utilized email marketing to announce and explain the changes.
  • Results: The announcement not only educated existing users about the brand’s evolution but also drove significant traffic to the platform, fostering discussions and generating interest.

HubSpot’s Product Announcements (Various Times)

  • Background: HubSpot, a leader in inbound marketing, often releases new features and products. They use email marketing to inform their vast user base about these new offerings.
  • Results: Each announcement email drives a surge in user engagement, with users logging in to try out new features, increasing usage and retention rates.

Adobe’s Creative Cloud Updates (Annually)

  • Background: Adobe announces its annual updates to Creative Cloud apps via email campaigns, highlighting new features and improvements.
  • Results: Their announcement emails routinely see high open and click-through rates, with users eager to explore the latest capabilities. These campaigns also prompt renewals and upgrades, directly impacting revenue.

Announcements provide exclusive, timely information, making recipients feel in-the-know. Such emails transform passive readers into enthusiastic participants waiting for the next big news. The sense of urgency and exclusivity drives immediate action. Leveraging announcements is a proven tactic to utilize the power of announcements to supercharge email marketing engagement.


Brand your emails

Branding emails effectively propels email marketing engagement. Strong, consistent branding in emails establishes immediate recognition. A study discovered that emails with clear branding elements received a 27% higher open rate. Another report highlighted a 21% increase in click-through rates when emails were aligned with distinct brand aesthetics.

Branding offers subscribers a cohesive experience. It ensures that the message is not just heard, but also felt. With branding as the cornerstone, trust builds, making readers more receptive to content. To elevate email marketing engagement, harness the power of branding.

Branding emails involves incorporating unique and recognizable elements of your identity into every email communication.

Here are steps and components to consider when branding emails:

  1. Logo Placement: Always place your logo prominently, usually at the top of your email. This ensures immediate brand recognition.
  2. Consistent Color Scheme: Use your brand’s color palette. It not only creates recognition but also conveys mood and emotion.
  3. Typography: Stick to your brand’s font styles. Consistent typography reinforces brand identity.
  4. Imagery: Use high-quality images that align with your brand’s style and values. If your brand has a particular aesthetic or filter for images, ensure it’s reflected.
  5. Tone and Voice: Ensure the content, from subject lines to the email body, mirrors your brand’s voice, be it professional, casual, humorous, or any other style.
  6. Signature: Add a branded email signature at the bottom -include your logo, contact details, and social media icons.
  7. Footer: Add essential details like contact information, social media links, and unsubscribe options, all while maintaining brand consistency.
  8. Consistency: From design to content, ensure every email sent feels part of a cohesive brand narrative.
  9. Feedback Loop: Encourage recipients to provide and utilize feedback to refine and improve your branded emails.

By integrating these elements, your emails will be recognizable and foster trust and engagement with your recipients.


Add exclusivity or urgency

Incorporating exclusivity or urgency amplifies email marketing engagement. Exclusivity makes recipients feel valued, while urgency drives immediate action.

Add exclusivity or urgency for email marketing engagement
  • Data reveals that emails with exclusivity elements, like members-only offers, witness a 32% higher open rate.
  • Similarly, campaigns that instill a sense of urgency, using limited-time offers, achieve a remarkable 26% increase in click-through rates.

By leveraging human psychology, such strategies tap into the innate fear of missing out (FOMO). For elevating email marketing engagement, utilizing exclusivity and urgency is not just beneficial; it’s essential.

Examples Exclusivity:

  1. “VIP Access: As a valued subscriber, you’re invited to our exclusive pre-sale event. Dive in before everyone else!”
  2. “Members-only Webinar: Join us for a special session, reserved just for our loyal subscribers. Don’t miss out on expert insights!”
  3. “Exclusive Gift: With your next purchase, receive a complimentary item chosen just for our dedicated community. Claim yours now!”

Examples of Urgency:

  1. “Last Chance: Only 24 hours left to grab our special offer. Act fast to enjoy unbeatable savings!”
  2. “Limited Stock Alert: Our best-selling product is flying off the shelves. Secure yours before it’s gone!”
  3. “Final Reminder: Registration closes tonight for our highly-anticipated workshop. Secure your spot now and avoid disappointment!”


Evaluate marketing metrics and KPIs

The last step in increasing email engagement is to evaluate your marketing metrics and KPIs.

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. It is a metric used to measure success in marketing. Examples are sales, website traffic, ROI, and lead generation.

This will help you understand how your emails are performing and what changes you need to make.

Bottom Line

By using some of the 27 tips listed above, you will increase your email marketing engagement and get better results. Email marketing is an ongoing process, so be ready to make changes as needed and always look for new ways to make your strategy better.

Once you get better email engagement, use it to generate more sales. Knowing your customers’ pain points will allow you to do this effectively.

Sending emails is a big part of the post-purchase stage. Learn how to master post-purchase in our recent post.

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