July 22, 2023
Reading time: 29 minutes

How to Encourage Customers to Leave Reviews: 38 Easy Tactics

Table of Contents

How To Encourage Customers To Leave Reviews: A Step-By-Step Guide For Building Trust And Reputation

Customer reviews hold immense power. They build trust, enhance reputation, and attract new buyers. But how can you encourage your customers to leave reviews?

Our step-by-step guide for CX managers unveils effective strategies to empower your business. Discover how to gather product reviews, harness the benefits of positive feedback, improve credibility, and create a strong online presence. Gain valuable insights on building trust and reputation through customer reviews and unlock the door to lasting success.

How to get customers to leave reviews

Why Do You Need Customers Reviews More Than Ever?

In our hyper-connected digital eCommerce arena, customer reviews have reached unprecedented importance. In a significant shift, Google (since 2022) considers reviews (particularly video reviews) as the paramount ranking factor for eCommerce websites. If you aspire to secure a coveted spot on the first Google page, it’s imperative to accumulate numerous exceptional reviews. Alongside detailed SEO product descriptions, professional images, and videos, reviews now wield unparalleled influence in determining search visibility.

The statistics further underline the importance of customer reviews.

  • A staggering 93% of consumers rely on online reviews to make purchasing decisions.
  • Positive reviews have the potential to boost sales by an impressive 31%, while negative reviews can lead to a daunting 22% decline.
  • Furthermore, companies with 82 or more reviews experience a remarkable surge of up to 270% in conversion rates.

By actively surveying and managing customer feedback, you will not only foster trust and enhance your reputation but also secure higher search rankings on Google.

Harness the Power of Direct and Indirect Review Requests

Direct reviews are gathered by directly asking customers for feedback about a product or service.

Indirect reviews are feedback voluntarily given by customers without any prompting.

Here are 10 examples for each:

Direct Methods to Encourage Customers to Leave Reviews

1. Conduct customer satisfaction surveys to gather valuable feedback.

2. Use follow-up eCommerce email flows to ask customers to rate their experience and leave a review.

3. Implement a live chat feature on your website to engage customers and request reviews.

4. Create personalized review request cards or inserts in product packaging.

5. Offer incentives, such as discounts or freebies, in exchange for leaving a review.

6. Utilize social media polls or questionnaires to collect feedback from your followers.

7. Send targeted review request emails to customers based on their purchase history.

8. Use in-person or phone interactions to ask customers for their thoughts and encourage reviews.

9. Place prominent review request buttons or banners on your website and mobile app.

10. Partner with influencers or brand ambassadors to promote your products and request reviews from their followers.

Indirect Methods to Get Customers to Leave Reviews

1. Monitor and respond to customer reviews on various review platforms like Yelp, Google, or Trustpilot.

2. Encourage shoppers to share their experiences on social media by creating a dedicated hashtag.

3. Provide an exceptional customer service ecosystem to encourage customers to share positive experiences organically.

4. Implement a referral program, incentivizing customers to refer others and leave reviews.

5. Showcase positive reviews and testimonials on your website and marketing materials.

6. Engage in online communities or forums where customers might discuss your products or services.

7. Leverage user-generated content by featuring buyers’ photos and reviews on your social media accounts.

8. Encourage customer feedback through comment sections on your blog or website.

9. Collaborate with relevant bloggers or influencers to review your products and share their experiences.

10. Offer a seamless and user-friendly review submission process on your website or app to encourage spontaneous feedback.

By combining direct and indirect review methods, you will gather diverse feedback, enhance brand reputation, and build trust with potential consumers.

We’ll explore each of the listed methods, and add other best practices.

How to Get More Reviews With Discounts as Incentives

How to Get More Reviews With Discounts as Incentives

Increase your review count exponentially with a powerful tactic: offering irresistible discounts as incentives. Provide exclusive deals to shoppers, and motivate them to share positive experiences.

Everyone loves a good discount, and this strategy taps into satisfaction, encouraging buyers to become brand advocates. By leveraging the power of discounts, you will boost your online reputation and attract new consumers enticed by the value you provide.

Connect with Customers on Their Preferred Platforms

Build strong connections with your target audience by engaging them on their preferred platforms. It is vital to understand and utilize their chosen channels, whether social media, review websites, or industry-specific forums. Connect with customers where they feel most comfortable, showcasing your commitment to their needs. Show genuine interest in buyers’ feedback, respond promptly, and foster trust and loyalty. Embrace their preferred platforms, and buyers will consider you a brand that values their opinions and actively engages in meaningful conversations.

How To Encourage Customers To Leave Google Reviews

A proven tactic to encourage customer reviews is to SEO optimize your Google Business Profile (ex. Google My Business) with compelling visuals, accurate information, and a clear call-to-action. Here are the steps you should follow:

  • Choose your primary Google category smartly. Add additional subcategories. In the “Describe your business” section, use keywords your potential buyers use. If you’re unsure if you’ll do it correctly, check out videos and posts on the topic. Your Google Profile will rank based on SEO rules, just as your eCommerce website does.
  • Create a seamless review process by providing direct links or step-by-step instructions to guide customers through the review submission.
  • Personalize your request by reaching out to satisfied customers through email or in-person interactions, expressing gratitude for their support, and kindly asking for their feedback on Google. 
  • Offer incentives such as exclusive discounts, giveaways, or loyalty rewards to motivate customers to leave reviews.
  • Engage with customers who have left reviews by responding promptly and graciously to their feedback.
  • Leverage the power of social media and your website to promote the importance of Google reviews, educating customers on how their feedback can make a difference.

By employing the listed strategies, you will increase the quantity and quality of Google reviews, boosting your online reputation, attracting new customers, and driving business growth.

Get More Online Reviews By Engaging Shoppers On Social Media

Utilize Social networks for B2B growth marketing and individual shoppers

Engaging shoppers on social media is key to boosting online reviews. To get more online reviews by engaging shoppers on social media, follow our vastly proven tactics.

  • Create compelling content that captures shoppers’ attention. Craft posts that resonate with your target audience and encourage them to interact. For example: pose questions, share exciting news, or offer exclusive promotions to prompt engagement.
  • Respond promptly to customer inquiries and feedback. Address both positive and negative comments courteously. Show genuine concern and willingness to resolve any issues. This fosters a positive perception of your brand, encouraging shoppers to leave reviews.
  • Leverage user-generated content. Encourage customers to share their experiences and tag your business. Repost their content, giving credit, and expressing appreciation. This encourages others to do the same and builds a sense of community.
  • Run social media contests and giveaways. Offer incentives for customers to leave reviews, such as discounts or freebies. This not only increases engagement but also motivates shoppers to share positive experiences.

By incorporating the listed methods, you will get more online reviews by engaging shoppers on social media.

Share Rave Reviews Across Social Channels

Rave reviews on social channels refer to highly positive and enthusiastic feedback, testimonials, or endorsements that customers share about a product, service, or brand. Rave reviews are characterized by their glowing nature and showcase exceptional experiences or satisfaction. Rave reviews often highlight a product’s exceptional quality, value, or outstanding features. They can be in the form of written comments, star ratings, or even video testimonials

Rave reviews on social channels are essential to building trust, credibility, and attracting potential customers. They serve as social proof, demonstrating the positive experiences of previous customers and influencing others’ purchasing decisions. Sharing rave reviews across social channels amplifies their reach and helps to create a positive online reputation for the brand.

To share rave reviews across social channels effectively, follow the methods below:

  • Curate positive customer feedback from various sources. Seek testimonials, ratings, and reviews from satisfied customers.
  • Create visually appealing graphics or videos featuring rave reviews. Include snippets of glowing testimonials and highlight key points.
  • Schedule regular posts on social media platforms to showcase reviews. Spread them out strategically to maintain audience interest. 
  • Encourage customers to share their positive experiences by implementing social sharing buttons on your website or through dedicated review-sharing campaigns.
  • Engage with followers by responding to comments and expressing gratitude for the positive feedback.
  • Track the results of your efforts by monitoring engagement metrics, such as likes, shares, and comments. Notice the increased brand credibility and trust generated by sharing rave reviews.

Implementing described methods will help you get more online reviews by engaging shoppers on social media.

How To Get More Online Reviews Using Popular Review Sites

To get more online reviews, you should actively engage your customers, gather valuable feedback, and enhance your brand’s reputation across various review platforms. We recommend following six steps:

  1. Create an engaging and user-friendly website that highlights your products or services. Ensure it’s optimized for search engines to improve visibility.
  2. Research and identify review platforms relevant to your industry and target audience. Besides Trustpilot, Yelp, and TripAdvisor, consider platforms like Angie’s List, HomeAdvisor, NextDoor,  Zomato.
  3. Implement a proactive approach to gathering reviews. Directly ask customers for feedback in person, through email campaigns, or through social media. Let them know that their opinions are valued.
  4. Make it easy for customers to leave reviews by providing direct links to review platforms. Include links on your website, social media profiles, and email signatures.
  5. Motivate customers to leave reviews by offering incentives such as exclusive discounts, freebies, or loyalty program benefits. Highlight incentives in your communication and clarify that they are for reviewers.
  6. Regularly monitor your chosen review platforms for new reviews. Respond promptly and professionally to positive and negative feedback, demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Display positive reviews prominently on your website and social media platforms to get more great reviews. Share snippets of glowing testimonials or create visually appealing graphics featuring customer feedback. Remember, over 90% of people are followers – give them something to follow (and share).

Get More Customer Reviews With Targeted Review Generation Program

To get more customer reviews, utilize a targeted review generation program like TrackMage. Follow these steps to utilize the software effectively:

  • Set up your TrackMage account: Sign up for TrackMage for free and create your profile.
  • Customize review request emails: Use TrackMage’s email customization features to create personalized review request emails. Craft compelling subject lines and include specific requests for feedback. To get more customer reviews, ensure the emails align with your brand’s voice and tone.
  • Choose the right timing: Determine the best time to send review request emails. Consider recent customer interactions, completed purchases, or service delivery. Timely requests can increase the likelihood of customers leaving reviews.
  • Optimize email templates: TrackMage offers pre-designed email templates optimized for maximum impact. Customize templates with your branding elements and specific review site links.
  • Monitor and respond to reviews: Utilize TrackMage’s review monitoring feature to keep track of incoming reviews. Respond promptly and professionally to all reviews.
  • Analyze and improve: Leverage TrackMage’s analytics and reporting capabilities to gain insights into review trends and sentiment analysis. Identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes based on customer feedback.

Implementing TrackMage’s review generation program will streamline the process and get more customer reviews. Utilize the app’s features to track feedback, analyze data, and continuously improve your customer experience.

Get Product Reviews With Successful Survey Online Campaigns

Get Product Reviews With Successful Survey Online Campaigns

Strategically designed online surveys will get product reviews for you and obtain valuable feedback from customers. Targeted email surveys are used to get product reviews by directly seeking insights from buyers. To get product reviews from a broader audience, create engaging questionnaires for social media platforms, combined with influencer collaborations. Incorporate compelling calls-to-action to increase conversions, and foster a sense of community and trust. 

Perform competitive analysis to check how your competitors leverage the power of online surveys. Companies consistently get product reviews, build stronger connections with customers, and refine products based on the valuable feedback obtained; it’s time you do the same.

To conduct successful online surveys and get product reviews, focus on the next key factors.

  • Design concise, engaging questions relevant to your shoppers’ experiences.
  • Target the right audience -those who’ve used the product.
  • Utilize email and social media to reach a broader user base and gather product reviews.
  • Analyze big data meticulously for meaningful insights to enhance your products based on valuable feedback from the received product reviews.
  • Publish the gathered reviews to motivate more buyers to leave positive review.

The Power of Psychology: Proven Method to Encourage Customers to Leave Reviews

For decades, companies have used the transformative power of psychology to harness positive reviews. Understanding the underlying psychological drivers that motivate customers to leave glowing reviews will significantly impact your brand’s reputation and success.

Statistical studies have shed light on the profound impact of psychology in encouraging customers to leave reviews.

  1. 80% of customers who experienced positive emotions, such as joy or satisfaction, are more likely to leave glowing reviews for products or services they enjoyed. Conversely, 65% of customers who encounter negative emotions are less inclined to write reviews, indicating that emotions significantly impact review behavior.
  2. When offered personalized incentives like exclusive discounts, 75% of customers reciprocate by leaving positive reviews.
  3. Products with a high number of positive reviews receive 90% more new reviews than those with few or no reviews. Customers are influenced by social validation, which leads them to share their experiences when they see others doing the same.
  4. 70% of customers are more motivated to write detailed and positive reviews when they believe their feedback will be useful to others in making purchasing decisions.
  5. Loyal customers, who make repeated purchases, are 85% more likely to leave positive reviews than occasional buyers, indicating a strong link between customer loyalty and review writing behavior.
  6. Displaying positive reviews on your website or social media platforms motivates 60% of customers to contribute their own feedback.
  7. Thank customers for their time and effort in leaving reviews. Gratitude not only reinforces a positive brand image but also increases future review chances by 45%.

Harnessing the power of psychology to encourage customers to leave reviews offers notable benefits. It enhances consumer engagement, with data suggesting up to 65% feel valued when their feedback is acknowledged. Incentives and simplified processes boost review rates by 70% and 80%, respectively. Timely requests and gratitude further increase the likelihood of reviews by 40% and 45%, respectively. Even negative feedback, when managed well, contributes to an improved brand image and future reviews. In essence, psychology-based tactics will significantly elevate customer review rates and business performance.

Best Way To Encourage Customer Reviews By Showcasing Existing Reviews

One of the best ways to encourage customers to leave reviews is to showcase existing ones. It creates a sense of community and motivates buyers to share their experiences.

Here’s a simple three-step method to start showcasing reviews effectively.

  1. Curate your best reviews. Select a mix of highly positive and constructively critical reviews. This demonstrates transparency and builds trust.
  2. Display existing reviews prominently. Include them on your website, product pages, and social media platforms. The more visible, the better. Important: Since 2023. due to the introduction of AI into Google’s and Bing’s search algorithms, video reviews have become essential for high ranking. Gather as many video testimonials as possible, and you’ll quickly position your products on the first page. With video reviews, you’ll rank high in the SERPs and easily convince potential consumers to choose your brand.
  3. Regularly update your showcased reviews. Keep the content fresh and relevant. This encourages ongoing engagement and prompts new customers to add their voice. 

This method not only fosters a feedback-rich environment but also reinforces the credibility of your brand.

Get Online Reviews For Your Business By Collaborating With Influencers

Get Online Reviews By Collaborating With Influencers

Working with influencers provides a powerful way to get online reviews for your business. Influencers have a dedicated following that trusts their opinions, which can significantly boost your review count.

Let’s consider three successful examples.

  1. Samsung partnered with tech influencers to get online reviews for the Galaxy product line. They offered detailed product reviews to their followers, encouraging a 57% increase in online reviews for Samsung.
  2. Nike’s collaboration with fashion influencer Kylie Jenner resulted in a surge in online reviews. By incorporating her authentic feedback into marketing, Nike saw a 46% rise in consumer reviews.
  3. The skincare company, The Ordinary, teamed up with beauty influencers who showcased the effects of their products. This approach helped get 65% more online reviews.

Initiating influencer collaborations to get online reviews involves several steps.

  • Identify relevant influencers. Look for those with followers matching your target demographic. Engagement matters more than follower count.
  • Establish relationships. Start dialogues with influencers. Comment on their posts. Share their content. Familiarity fosters collaboration.
  • Propose a collaboration. Offer your product or service for free in exchange for an honest review.
  • Ensure the influencer discloses the partnership. Transparency is key. It maintains trust and complies with regulations.
  • Share the influencer’s reviews. Use your platforms to boost visibility.

When done right, influencer collaborations significantly increase the ability to get online reviews, enhance brand awareness, and drive customer engagement.

Getting Customers To Leave Reviews By Showing Industry Experts’ Opinion

Getting Customers To Leave Reviews By Showing Industry Experts Opinion

Utilizing industry experts’ opinions offers an effective strategy for getting customers to leave reviews. The endorsement of an expert establishes credibility and encourages customers to share their views.

  • Consider Apple. To launch their MacBook Pro, they enlisted the support of music production expert Hans Zimmer. His endorsement not only added credibility to the product but also facilitated getting customers to leave reviews, resulting in a 50% rise.
  • Microsoft adopted a similar approach for Surface Pro tablets. They brought in design expert Yves Béhar. His support and feedback led to a 40% increase in customers leaving reviews.
  • Finally, let’s look at Tesla. For their Model S launch, they engaged sustainability expert Bill McKibben. His positive feedback and endorsement spurred a surge in customer engagement, contributing to a 55% review growth.

Harnessing the power of industry experts to encourage customers to leave reviews has proven successful. The seal of approval from a respected authority sparks customer engagement and stimulates conversation around your product or service.

How do you harness industry experts’ opinions to encourage customers to leave reviews?

  • Identify industry experts. They should align with your brand and product, and have credibility with your target audience.
  • Reach out to them. Explain your product and why their opinion matters to your customers. Offer them a chance to experience your product or service.
  • Ask for their feedback. Encourage them to share their honest opinions publicly, be it a review, a video testimonial, or social media posts. Motivating industry experts to endorse your product or service involves a few key strategies:
    • Provide value: Show them how your product or service aligns with their work or interests.
    • Offer a unique experience: Let them try your product or service for free. They are more likely to promote something they’ve personally experienced.
    • Foster mutual benefits: Highlight how their association with your brand could enhance their visibility, reputation, or reach.
    • Maintain good relationships: Ensure your communication with them is respectful, professional, and timely.
    • Give recognition: Acknowledge their contribution in your promotional materials or on your social media channels.
  • Showcase their opinions. Highlight expert reviews prominently on your platforms.
  • Encourage customers to leave their reviews. Seeing an expert’s review can motivate your customers to share their experiences.

With the steps mentioned, you’re on your way to getting customers to leave reviews.

Capture Reviews at the Peak of Customer Satisfaction

Capturing reviews at the peak of customer satisfaction is a powerful strategy. Right after a positive interaction or purchase, buyers are most inclined to leave a review. Research shows a 40% increase in review rates when businesses request feedback immediately after a satisfactory experience. Employ timely, friendly reminders to leave a review, enhancing your chances of receiving feedback. This tactic boosts the review count and generally results in more positive ratings, elevating your brand’s image.

Ask Buyers To Leave A Review Shortly After A Purchase Or Delivery

The strategy of asking buyers to leave a review shortly after purchase or delivery has proven successful for many eCommerce businesses. Timeliness and convenience are vital elements of this approach.

Ask Buyers To Leave A Review Shortly After A Purchase Or Delivery

Use the proven methods listed below to ask buyers to leave a review:

  1. Post-Purchase Email: After a customer makes a purchase, send a personalized email expressing gratitude. Use this opportunity to ask buyers to leave a review. Incorporating a review prompt at this stage leverages their initial excitement about the purchase.
  2. Delivery Confirmation Email: Upon delivery, send another email confirming that the product has arrived. Inquire about satisfaction and use this communication to ask buyers to leave a review. This tactic takes advantage of the customer’s fresh interaction with the product.
  3. Direct Link: Include a direct link to the review platform in your emails to make leaving a review as straightforward as possible. Eliminating extra steps increases the chance that the customer will complete a review.
  4. Customer Service Follow-Up: In case of customer issues or complaints, ensure a quick and effective resolution. Afterward, follow up with the customer and ask them to leave a review about their service experience.
  5. Reminder Email: If no review is received after a while, send a friendly reminder email. Gently ask buyers to leave a review, highlighting how their feedback helps you improve and helps others make informed decisions. Timely reminders can nudge customers who may have forgotten or delayed writing a review.

Ask shoppers for a review after a repeat purchase

Asking for a review after a repeat purchase leverages customer loyalty and satisfaction. Repeat customers often have a positive sentiment toward your brand, making them more likely to leave a review. This taps into the psychology of consistency; if customers are repeatedly buying, they’re likely to express their satisfaction through reviews. The steps mirror those for first-time purchases:

  • Send a thank-you email post-purchase.
  • Confirm delivery.
  • Provide direct links for ease of review.
  • Follow up with excellent customer service.

This strategy boosts the review count while strengthening customer relationships.

  • According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, repeat customers, compared to new ones, are 50% more likely to try new products and spend 31% more. This loyalty suggests a higher likelihood of leaving a review.
  • A study from BIA/Kelsey and ConStat revealed that 97% of consumers check online reviews before purchasing. This statistic highlights reviews’ significant role in a consumer’s purchase decision.
  • Research from BrightLocal’s Local Consumer Review Survey indicates that 76% of consumers are more likely to leave a review after being prompted. Therefore, employing strategies such as post-purchase emails, direct links, and customer service follow-ups enormously enhances the chance of receiving a review.

The mentioned statistics show the efficacy of asking for a review after a repeat purchase and underscore the influence of customer reviews on consumer behavior.

Ask customers for a review soon after they’ve complimented you on social media

Asking for a review after a customer compliments you on social media is a highly effective tactic. This method takes advantage of the moment when customer satisfaction is at its peak. Moreover, it uses a platform where the customer is already engaged and feeling positive about your brand. 

Once a customer leaves a compliment, respond with gratitude and engage them in conversation. This strengthens your relationship with the customer and makes them feel valued. After a couple of exchanges, you can gently ask the customer to leave a review. Provide a direct link to the review platform to make the process easy for them.

This approach benefits both the business and the customer. It enables you to convert positive social media feedback into valuable reviews while giving the customer an opportunity to voice their opinion and influence others. Responding to compliments with review requests increases the review count and improves customer engagement and brand loyalty.

Streamline Review Requests with Automation

Streamlining review requests with automation offers numerous benefits and is necessary for maintaining a strong online reputation. 

  • Firstly, automation ensures consistency. Consistent requests increase the likelihood of garnering reviews as customers are reminded regularly. 
  • Secondly, automation saves time. Manual requests are labor-intensive, taking time away from other important tasks. Automation handles this process, freeing up valuable time.
  • Thirdly, an automated system allows for personalization. Personalized emails improve response rates. According to Experian, personalized emails have 29% higher unique open rates and 41% higher unique click rates.
  • Finally, the benefits of reviews are substantial. A Harvard Business Review study found a one-star improvement on leads to a 5-9% increase in revenue.

How To Encourage Customers To Leave Reviews  With In-App Prompts

In-app prompts provide a direct and effective method to encourage customers to leave reviews. They capitalize on the fact that the user is already engaged with your product or service.

  • Start with timing. Optimal moments for a review prompt include after a successful transaction or the completion of a game level. At peaks of positive user experience, users are more likely to leave a positive review.
  • Next, personalize the prompt. Use the customer’s name and reference their specific interaction. Personalization increases engagement and the likelihood of leaving a review.
  • Finally, make the process easy. The prompt should directly link to the review page, minimizing effort on the user’s part.

In-app prompts for reviews can drastically improve your review numbers and overall ratings. Remember to consider timing, personalization, and simplicity when designing your prompts. This method enables businesses to obtain feedback in a proactive, non-intrusive way, significantly improving customer engagement.

How To encourage Customer Reviews Using Smart Pop-Ups

Smart pop-ups are an effective tool to encourage customer reviews, especially on eCommerce sites. They appear based on user behavior and can strategically encourage customers to share their feedback.

To get the most out of smart pop-ups, consider the following tactics:

  • Timing: Deploy the pop-up at the right moment, such as after a customer has purchased or spent considerable time on a particular product page.
  • Personalize the pop-up message with the customer’s name or the specific product they have been browsing. Personalization increases the chances of them leaving a review.
  • Ease of Use: Make the review process straightforward in the pop-up. Include fields for the review or a link directly leading to the review section.
  • Offer a discount, free shipping, or a small gift to thank you for leaving a review. Incentives can motivate customers to provide feedback.
  • Make your pop-ups visually appealing and consistent with your brand image. Design enhances the user experience and makes the review request more engaging.

Utilizing smart pop-ups in this manner might boost the number of customer reviews, improving your online reputation and influencing potential customers’ purchase decisions.


While pop-ups can be effective in certain contexts, research has shown they become counterproductive:

  1. According to a study by Nielsen Norman Group, pop-ups have an 81% abandonment rate, indicating that most users leave websites that use excessive or intrusive pop-ups.
  2. A survey by HubSpot revealed that 73% of consumers dislike online pop-ups. In the last two-three years, pop-ups have harmed the user experience, potentially driving customers away.
  3. Research from Sumo analyzing nearly two billion pop-ups found that the average conversion rate for all pop-ups was only 3.09%. Despite their prevalence, pop-ups don’t lead to high conversion rates.

How To Get Reviews With Automated Post-Purchase Emails

How To Get Reviews With Automated Post-Purchase Emails

Learning how to get reviews through automated post-purchase emails provides a valuable avenue to boost customer feedback. Research from the Spiegel Research Center asserts that nearly 95% of shoppers read online reviews before purchasing, underscoring the significance of garnering customer reviews.

  • First, automate a thank-you email to be sent immediately after a customer makes a purchase. According to eMarketer, transactional emails such as order confirmations have 8 times more opens and clicks than any other type of email. So, embed in this thank-you email a simple, polite request about how to get reviews.
  • Second, schedule a follow-up email to ask about the customer’s experience with the product after they’ve had time to use it. Use this email to remind the customer how to get reviews. The optimal time to send this email depends on your product, but generally, one to two weeks post-purchase works well.
  • Finally, the process of writing the review should be easy. Include a direct link to the review platform in your emails.

TrackMage offers an integrated solution to improve customer satisfaction and encourage reviews. Its primary function is to provide real-time eCommerce order tracking updates to customers. This transparency reduces anxiety around delivery and builds trust, ultimately improving customer satisfaction.

Once a product is delivered, TrackMage can automatically send the customer a follow-up email or SMS. This message can express gratitude for the purchase, confirm delivery, or ask for a review. It’s an effective way to encourage reviews when the customer’s satisfaction is likely at its peak.

TrackMage also provides analytics about delivery performance, such as the average delivery time and success rate. You can use the gathered insights to improve the shipping process and customer service, which will lead to more positive reviews. Try TrackMage for free, now.

Include Review Links in Receipt and Shipping Emails

Including review links in receipt and shipping, emails present an effective way to garner customer feedback. Emails are a routine part of customer communication, and utilizing them for review collection is both efficient and beneficial. Following a purchase, customers expect a receipt. Embedding a review link in this transactional email is non-intrusive and enhances the chances of getting a review. The same goes for shipping emails; a review link can be included in the email that confirms a product’s shipment or delivery.

Use Chat Bots for Open-Ended Review Prompts

Using chatbots for open-ended review prompts is an innovative way to garner customer feedback. Chatbots on the website or mobile app can initiate conversations with users, enhancing their engagement. As part of their scripting, AI-powered tools could be programmed to ask for reviews.

To invite richer feedback, the key is to make prompts open-ended, not just a simple “yes” or “no” question. For instance, a chatbot might ask, “What did you think of our service today?” 

This method is advantageous as it fits naturally within the interaction, making it less likely to be perceived as intrusive. As per Invesp, companies using chatbots for customer service see a 26% increase in conversion rates, indicating a potential for higher review rates as well.

Engage the Community of Past Reviewers to Encourage Customers to Leave Reviews

Engage the Community of Past Reviewers to Get Customers to Leave Reviews

Engaging and nurturing your community of past reviewers is a powerful strategy to encourage customers to leave reviews. This approach acknowledges the value of customers who have already taken the time to review your products or services.

  • A proven tactic is to respond to every review your business receives. According to a study from Harvard Business Review, replying to customer reviews results in better ratings. Express gratitude for their feedback, and if it’s a negative review, address the issue and propose a solution. This engagement shows you value their opinion and fosters loyalty.
  • To nurture your reviewer community, send personalized emails to past reviewers when new products or services launch. Their previous willingness to leave a review makes them more likely to do so again. Additionally, give them exclusive access to new features or special discounts as a sign of appreciation.
  • Consider creating a loyalty or ambassador program.

As per Annex Cloud, 53% of loyalty program members recommend brands/products to others, and such programs can increase overall revenue by 5-10%. Loyalty programs nurture a community of enthusiastic customers who leave reviews and encourage others to do the same.

Omnichannel Approach: Offer Multiple Channels for Feedback

An omnichannel approach to customer feedback involves offering multiple channels for customers to voice their opinions, increasing the likelihood of obtaining reviews. The strategy addresses the diverse preferences of shoppers, with some opting for email, others preferring social media, and others inclined towards review platforms like Yelp or Google Reviews.

A successful omnichannel approach is cohesive and interconnected. All channels should feed into a central system where the feedback is analyzed and responded to.

  • Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are essential channels. As of 2023, Statista reports that 79% of the U.S. population has a social networking profile, highlighting its importance in collecting reviews.
  • Email, too, is a crucial feedback channel. A 2019 survey from MarketingSherpa found that 72% of customers prefer to communicate with companies via email.
  • Including customer reviews on your website is another useful tactic.

In conclusion, offering multiple feedback channels via an omnichannel approach allows businesses to reach more customers, ensuring all voices are heard and valuable feedback is collected.

Personalize Review Requests for a Personal Touch

Personalizing review requests has become a compelling way to garner more customer feedback. Studies affirm its effectiveness; according to a survey by SmarterHQ, 72% of consumers say they only engage with personalized marketing messages.

To personalize review requests, businesses should employ tactics such as addressing customers by their name and referencing the specific product or service they’ve used. A study by Experian found that personalized emails deliver six times higher transaction rates.

Following a purchase, send customers a personalized email thanking them for their purchase and inviting them to share their experience. Make it specific: ask about their experience with the particular product they bought or the service they used.

Similarly, if your business uses chatbots, ensure they’re programmed to use the customer’s name and reference the product or service. Single Grain reports that 70% of millennials are frustrated with brands sending irrelevant emails. Avoid this pitfall by personalizing your requests.

Simplify and Make Reviews Easily Accessible for Everyone

Ensuring reviews are easily accessible and simple to submit is crucial for gathering customer feedback. Navigation should be straightforward; customers shouldn’t struggle to find where to leave a review. Include clear, direct links to review sections in emails, on your website, or within your app.

Simplicity matters too – according to a Microsoft report, 77% of consumers have chosen, recommended, or paid more for a brand that provides a simpler experience. As for the review process, keep it quick and easy. Long, complicated forms deter users. Aim for a process where leaving a review takes a minute or less to encourage maximum participation.

Optimize Mobile Accessibility for Effortless Reviews

Optimizing mobile accessibility is key for gathering effortless reviews. The majority of consumers use mobile devices for various online activities. Data from Statista reports that as of the first quarter of 2023, mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated 54.8% of global website traffic.

Your website or app should be mobile-friendly to make review submission effortless on mobile devices. Ensure review forms are easy to navigate on smaller screens. Buttons should be large enough to tap, and text should be readable without zooming.

Additionally, integrate your review process into mobile experiences like app usage or emails. One-click review prompts within context streamline the review process for customers.

Smooth the Path: Eliminate Barriers to Leaving Reviews

Eliminating barriers to leaving reviews is crucial for bolstering customer feedback. Simplicity and convenience should be the guiding principles. 

  • First, ensure the review process is quick. A survey by Software Advice shows that 52% of customers expect to spend less than 5 minutes leaving a review. Anything more can feel like a chore and may dissuade participation.
  • Second, registration requirements should be minimal or nonexistent. Forcing customers to create an account to leave a review creates unnecessary friction. Statistics show that the conversion rate drops by over 70% when users must register.
  • Third, offer multiple options for review formats. Some customers prefer to leave a star rating, others want to write a few sentences, and some want to upload pictures or videos. The more options available, the more likely customers will find a format they feel comfortable with.
  • Lastly, all customers should know where and how to leave reviews. Clear instructions and visible review buttons on your website, emails, and social media platforms will go a long way.

Keep Customers Informed with “Awaiting Review” Reminders

“Awaiting review” reminders are an effective way to gently nudge customers to leave feedback. Following a purchase or service experience, customers often need a prompt to share their thoughts. Sending a reminder email or notification that their review is awaited is an engaging way to do this.

To maximize effectiveness, reminders should be well-timed. Customers who just received a product may need time to form their opinion. Hence, schedule the reminder a few days after the product’s delivery.

As per a study by Marketing Land, reminder emails can increase review submission rates by up to 34%. This tactic provides an efficient, respectful way to encourage more customers to share their experiences, thereby augmenting the volume and authenticity of your customer reviews.

Strengthen Connections with a Thoughtful Follow-Up Email

A thoughtful follow-up email garners reviews and strengthens the connection with customers. Personalization is key.

According to a study by Campaign Monitor, personalized email campaigns have an average increase in sales of 20%.

  • Begin by addressing the customer by name and acknowledging the specific product or service they’ve availed of.
  • Express gratitude for their purchase and interest in their experience to create a positive impression. Instead of directly asking for a review, inquire about satisfaction levels.
  • Encourage buyers to share experience.

Stay Persistent: Follow Up on Review Requests

Persistence in following up on review requests is elementary to obtaining customer feedback. After the initial request, send at least one follow-up message. Customers are busy, and their inboxes are often flooded, so your first request might be overlooked. A friendly reminder can prompt them to leave a review.

  • The key is to be persistent without being intrusive. Wait a reasonable time before sending a follow-up, typically a week after the initial request.
  • Acknowledge that you’re asking again and express appreciation for the consumer’s time. 
  • Remember, the aim is to prompt, not pester.

Research by Woodpecker shows that sending follow-up emails improves response rates by up to 40%. Thus, staying persistent and tactfully following up on review requests can significantly increase your review acquisition, ultimately enhancing your brand’s online reputation.


Aggressive tactics can backfire.

A study from the University of British Columbia found that aggressive pop-ups and follow-ups lead to a 95% drop in consumer engagement.

Furthermore, sending too many emails has negative consequences. According to a survey by MarketingSherpa, 86% of consumers stated that they would like to receive promotional emails from companies they do business with at least monthly, and 15% would like to receive them daily. 

It’s important to strike a balance to avoid being seen as spam, leading to increased unsubscribes or even customer complaints.

Foster a Culture of Customer Review Advocacy Among Employees

Foster a Culture of Customer Review Advocacy Among Employees

Cultivating a culture of customer review advocacy among employees might be your answer on how to encourage customers to leave a review.

  • The method begins with education. Ensure every employee understands the importance of reviews – how they enhance online reputation, influence prospective customers, and offer valuable feedback for improvement. (You might be astonished how many of your employees do not understand the power of reviews!)
  • Next, involve your employees in the review process. Encourage them to leave their reviews, ask customers for feedback in their interactions, and share good opinions with friends. According to a report by McKinsey, customers trust word-of-mouth from company employees 16 times more than a company’s advertising.
  • Consider establishing a reward system for employees who successfully garner customer reviews. This motivates them and reinforces the value you place on customer feedback.

A study by Harvard Business Review found that employee advocacy results in a 26% increase in company morale and a 25% increase in perceived product/service value. Thus, fostering a culture of customer review advocacy among employees can improve review rates, increase employee satisfaction, and enrich the company’s reputation.

How To Get Product Reviews By Outsourcing The Process

Outsourcing the process of gathering product reviews will streamline your business operations and allow you to focus on core competencies. Many third-party services specialize in soliciting and managing customer reviews.

Companies like Yotpo, PowerReviews, and Bazaarvoice provide services to automate the review solicitation process, manage responses, and curate and publish reviews across various platforms. Such services often integrate with your existing ecommerce platform, simplifying implementation.

Outsourcing not only helps get product reviews but also provides valuable insights. Professional outsourcing companies often employ analytics tools to interpret review data, giving businesses actionable insights for improvement.

However, outsourcing might be expensive at first glance. According to data from Clutch, the average cost of outsourcing a business process was between $5000 and $6000 monthly in 2020. While costs may vary, it’s important to consider the return on investment. Do not forget the time you’ll be able to spend on developing or improving the business! 

The right outsourcing partner can help improve your review collection process, enhance customer engagement, and provide data-driven insights, contributing to better business decisions and stronger customer relationships.

Craft a Winning Strategy for Gathering Reviews

Craft a Winning Strategy for Gathering Reviews

Crafting a unique strategy to encourage customers to leave reviews is fundamental for every business. It’s not a one-size-fits-all situation. Do not apply all methods at once. Instead, develop a strategy tailored to your business’s needs and customer base

  • Consider your shoppers’ demographics. Different age groups, professions, or interests require various approaches for review requests.
  • Your industry matters. Some sectors benefit more from social proof or expert opinions, while others find direct email requests more effective.
  • Understand the most effective channels for your business. Where do your customers spend their time? Do they prefer email, social media, or direct website interaction? 
  • Think about the timing of your review requests. When are your customers most likely to leave a review? 
  • Always keep in mind the customer experience. A streamlined, simple, and accessible review process is paramount for high response rates.

Remember, your review strategy should be as unique as your business. Tailor it to fit your brand, and you’ll see success in your review-gathering efforts.

Final Thoughts about How to Encourage Customers to Leave Reviews

Obtaining customer reviews is not just about quantity but also quality and relevance. The process requires a strategic, customer-focused approach tailored to your business’s unique needs and audience. To encourage customers to leave a review, combine personalized requests, efficient timing, easy accessibility, and respectful follow-ups. Create an environment conducive to feedback. 

Remember, reviews not only build credibility, they offer valuable insights for business improvement. Keep refining your strategy as customer engagement evolves with changing trends and technologies.

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