February 17, 2023
Reading time: 17 minutes

Post Purchase Marketing: 15 Proven Tips for Ecommerce Win

Revolutionize eCommerce Using The Power of Post Purchase Marketing

Post purchase marketing in eCommerce

The cost of acquiring a customer is expensive. Research shows that businesses spend up to 5 times more attracting new customers than retaining existing ones.

Post purchase marketing is a critical, yet underestimated aspect of eCommerce. The competition in the business world grows fiercer. Effective tactics become a necessity. Effectively utilized, post purchase marketing promises customer loyalty and repeat transactions, both in the retail world and in B2B growth marketing. The strategy extends beyond simple customer acquisition. The objective: lasting relationships.

Employing post purchase marketing through eCommerce email flows boosts sales, and nurtures a dependable customer base as it reshapes the customer journey. From the point of purchase to continuous engagement, it’s time to delve deeper.

This article will examine how to ensure a successful post-purchase customer ecosystem with a powerful post purchase marketing strategy.

What is Post Purchase Marketing

Post purchase marketing refers to strategies businesses implement after a customer purchases. The aim is to foster customer loyalty, encourage repeat purchases, and increase buyer lifetime value using follow-up communications, customer satisfaction surveys, personalized product recommendations, and targeted promotional campaigns.

Post Purchase Marketing Proven Tactics

We’ll explore the following 15 proven post purchase marketing tactics that will improve customer engagement and grow your sales.

  1. Personalized Thank You Emails
  2. Product Usage Tips
  3. Review Requests
  4. Referral Programs
  5. Upselling and Cross-selling
  6. Customer Loyalty Programs
  7. Re-engagement Campaigns
  8. Social Media Engagement
  9. Educational Content
  10. Post-Purchase Surveys
  11. VIP Membership Clubs
  12. Birthday and Anniversary Specials
  13. Exclusive Previews of New Products
  14. Customer Appreciation Events
  15. Personalized Product Recommendations


Post purchase Follow up: Personalized Thank You Emails

Each sale has the potential to cultivate an enduring bond. One of the most powerful post purchase marketing actions is sending thank-you emails several hours or days after delivery. Upon receiving an individualized note of gratitude, shoppers feel appreciated rather than just another entry in the sales column. Personalized interactions kindle conversations, fuel a sense of belonging, and heighten the chances of future business – directly influencing the bottom line. Expressions of thanks foster brand loyalty and spark favorable chatter.

Post purchase Follow up - Personalized Thank You Emails

Step-by-step Guide to Conduct Personalized Email Post Purchase Campaign

1. Accumulating Customer Information: If you do not have a CMR, create a spreadsheet to prepare for your post purchase email marketing campaign. Organize columns for details like customer names, email addresses, and purchases. As you conduct business, make it a habit to update the spreadsheet regularly.


2. Scrutinizing Purchase History: In this stage, turn into a customer behavior detective. The purpose is to gain insights into customer preferences and buying habits. The more information you have about what, when, and how often shoppers purchase, your personalized email post purchase marketing will be more effective. Investing time in understanding each customer’s buying pattern will provide valuable information for the coming steps.


3. Segmenting Customers: Customer segmentation groups customers based on shared characteristics. For instance, if you notice a group of customers frequently purchasing a specific product, put them into one segment. Another group could consist of customers who make large purchases. A group might purchase less frequently but have been loyal over the years. Remember, effective segmentation facilitates sending tailored content to each segment, making your post purchase marketing actions more relevant and impactful.


4. Crafting Thank You Emails: Start by writing a basic thank you email, expressing gratitude for the customer’s recent purchase. Address customers by name to add a personal touch. Further, add a section recommending products based on buyers’ past purchases.

For instance, if a customer has purchased a lot of crime thrillers, recommend new releases in the same genre. The idea is to sound personalized, genuine, and helpful. Check if our upsell email templates help you speed up the process.


5. Selecting an Email Marketing Platform: While there are many email marketing platforms out there, Mailchimp, SendinBlue, and Constant Contact are reliable ones. After signing in, export the generated spreadsheet with personal details into a CSV file, accepted by such platforms.


6. Preparing and Scheduling Emails: Using your email marketing platform, you will set up an email campaign. Begin by uploading the content of your thank you email. Next, you’ll have to replace the placeholders with personalized content for each customer. Once you’re done, assign which segment receives which type of email. Schedule when you’ll send emails.


7. Enabling Social Sharing: Most email marketing platforms insert social sharing buttons in your emails. It is a great feature that improves your brand’s visibility. It allows customers to share the content of your emails or their purchases on their social media accounts, driving more attention to your brand.


8. Monitoring and Improving: After your emails have been sent out, it’s time to analyze their performance. Pay attention to the open and click-through rates. These metrics indicate how engaging your email content is. Low open rates mean that you need to make your subject line more compelling. If the click-through rate is low, work on call-to-action phrases. Use such insights to continuously enhance your future emails.

Remember, the goal is continuous learning and improvement. Your business is unique, so what works best for you will be learned through implementation, analysis, and refinement.

If you integrate the CMR system, the entire process will be automated. If you don’t plan to purchase CMR software, consider automating some post purchase marketing steps. More on the topic can be found in our Email Automation Guide.


Product Usage Tips

Provide manuals and guides as the part of post purchase marketing

Send advice on product utilization as part of your new post purchase marketing strategy. Using emails, social media, an invitation to webinars, or physical methods, provide how-to guides, manuals, educational content, etc. Such continued attention after the transaction communicates genuine concern and care, raising satisfaction. As contentment rises, the likelihood of product returns diminishes, saving resources. Happy clients tend to broadcast their positive experiences, luring potential buyers, elevating the brand’s standing, and increasing profits.


Review Requests

Inviting shoppers to pen down their thoughts fosters credibility among prospective buyers. Insights from genuine users offer a peek into product performance and service quality. This post purchase marketing tactic amplifies conversions and sales. Encouraging testimonials creates a strong reputation as a trusted marketplace, refining the brand’s image.

There are 38 proven post purchase marketing methods to gather reviews:

  1. Manually Gathering Reviews: Reach out personally to customers after the purchase. Send tailored emails or messages, expressing appreciation for their purchase, and gently request to share their experience. Don’t forget to provide a link to the review platform to increase effectiveness. Although time-consuming, manual methods add a personal touch that might encourage more customers to leave reviews.
  2. Automated Emails with Post-purchase Marketing Platforms: Platforms such as Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, GetResponse, and Drip allow you to automate the process of collecting reviews. After importing your customer data, create an email template asking for reviews and set it to be sent a few days post-purchase. Personalize the email with the customer’s name and a recent purchase, and include direct links to the review platform. Automation ensures no customer is left out of the review request process.
  3. Using Order Tracking Software with Branded Emails: Incorporating order tracking software that includes branded automated emails, like TrackMage, adds another level to your review-gathering post purchase marketing strategy. Apps keep customers informed about order status and allow you to send personalized, branded emails at different stages of delivery. By sending a review request in a post-delivery email, you tap into the customer’s satisfaction, increasing the likelihood you’ll get a review.

Try TrackMage for free and explore all the sale-booster features we provide.


Award Post Purchase Loyalty with Referral Programs

Mutual benefits make referral programs a win-win. Award buyers for each recommendation they make to friends and connections on social media. As more individuals join through referrals, brand visibility escalates. The surge in sales volume bolsters profits, while a well-crafted referral program fortifies brand loyalty.

Launching a referral program is an excellent post purchase marketing method to leverage your current customer base and expand your audience.

Referral program - Excellent post purchase marketing method
  • Begin by identifying a compelling incentive for your customers. The reward might be a discount, free shipping above certain purchase values, a free product, or access to premium services. 
  • Choose a referral marketing platform that fits your needs, such as ReferralCandy, Yotpo, or Friendbuy. After setting up an account on the chosen platform, configure the program parameters to define the rewards, set up email notifications, and customize the referral codes. 
  • Promote your referral program. Send an email to your existing customers explaining the program and its benefits.
  • Include referral prompts in post-purchase communications, like thank-you emails or review requests.
  • Monitor the program continuously to ensure it’s effective. Analyze the data provided by the referral platform to see how many new customers you’re gaining and adjust your strategy as necessary.


Upselling and Cross-selling

Presenting buyers with value-packed alternatives or suggesting additional products amplifies the shopping experience. Such post purchase marketing strategies often enlighten shoppers about needs they hadn’t perceived, thereby boosting transaction value. A rise in revenue and greater profitability are direct offshoots of effective upselling and cross-selling techniques.

Upselling and cross-selling are strategic eCommerce activities for boosting sales revenue. Upselling involves persuading customers to purchase a more expensive version of an item or add extras for an upcharge. Cross-selling encourages customers to buy related or complementary items.

  1. To implement these post purchase marketing strategies, start by analyzing your products and identifying which ones complement each other or have premium versions. 
  2. Use your customer purchase history to find patterns and combinations that have been successful in the past. 
  3. Craft persuasive product descriptions emphasizing the benefits or value of the higher-priced items (for upselling) or how the additional items can enhance the user experience (for cross-selling). 
  4. Choose an e-commerce platform that supports these strategies, like Shopify or WooCommerce. These platforms have features or plugins that automatically suggest upgrades or related items.
  5. For post-purchase upselling or cross-selling, personalized email campaigns can be effective. Send personalized suggestions based on the customer’s purchase. Tools like Mailchimp, SendinBlue, or Constant Contact will help automate this process.
  6. Remember to monitor the performance of your upselling and cross-selling efforts and adjust your strategy based on your findings. Continuous testing and optimization will yield the best results.


Customer Loyalty Programs

Reward buyers for coming back again and again. Ecommerce statistics and the latest industry data show that loyalty programs are the most effective post purchase marketing approaches. It’s about keeping your faithful shoppers around and getting them to explore new products. More sales get rung up. Plus, when people feel like they’re getting special treatment, it makes shopping more enjoyable. All of this steady business can lead to more predictable profits.


Re-engagement Post Purchase Marketing Campaigns

There’s gold in bringing back shoppers who haven’t been around for a while. A personalized offer or message will reignite interest. Once they’re back in the fold and buying again, your sales and profits will get a nice boost. Re-engagement campaigns are a savvy post purchase marketing tactic to maximize profits without huge investments to attract new shoppers.

  1. To start, define what qualifies a customer as inactive. For example, it might be someone who hasn’t made a purchase or interacted with your emails in six months.
  2. Once you identify inactive customers, segment them in your email marketing software. Tools like Mailchimp, SendinBlue, or Constant Contact make it easy to create customer segments based on activity.
  3. Develop an enticing offer to lure these customers back. It might be a special discount, a sneak peek at new products, or exclusive content.
  4. Craft a personalized email that addresses the customer by name, acknowledges absence, and presents the special offer. Make it easy for them to take the next step by including a clear call-to-action.
  5. Track the performance of your re-engagement campaign. Monitor open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to see how well your campaign works and identify improvement areas.


Social Media Engagement

Regular social media posts and updates keep potential customers informed and involved. When you build a strong community around your brand, it keeps your online store top of mind and encourages people to return to your website. And if your content is shared, it expands your reach even better.


Educational Content

Sharing helpful content positions your brand as an industry leader. Blogs, webinars, downloadable ebooks and guides, or videos help shoppers make the best choices. Based on Adobe’s new Future of Marketing Research Series, trustworthy brands attract more shoppers, which translates to higher sales.

The research shows that trustworthiness increases:

  • purchases by 71%
  • Recommendation to friends by 61%
  • Joining a loyalty program by 41%
  • Posting positive reviews on social media by 40%

Over time, reliability strengthens and leads to a healthy profit margin.


Post Purchase Surveys

Post-purchase surveys allow for a heart-to-heart conversation with your shoppers. They deliver valuable insights into people’s needs and wants and where you could improve. When you act on feedback, it makes shoppers happier. Happy shoppers will become brand advocates, spreading the word about your online store. This post purchase marketing action leads to more repeat purchases and improved profits.


VIP Membership Clubs as a Part of Post Purchase Activities

VIP Membership Clubs as a Part of Post Purchase Activities

Offering VIP memberships is a smart post purchase marketing activity to make frequent customers feel special. Exclusive extras, advanced access, and special discounts create a sense of privilege and encourage buyers to spend even more. The revenue from membership fees further enhances the profit margin.

  1. Initiate a VIP Membership Club by defining what benefits members will receive. Consider offering members exclusive discounts, early access to new products, or unique experiences.
  2. Determine membership criteria. Will it be open to anyone, or will it be based on the amount spent or the number of purchases made? Define clear criteria and ensure that they’re easy for customers to understand.
  3. Select a platform to manage your VIP club. Platforms like Yotpo,, or LoyaltyLion offer features that make managing such clubs more manageable. 
  4. Once your club is ready, announce its launch to your existing customers. Send an email detailing the benefits and the criteria for becoming a member. Also, prominently display information about the club on your website.
  5. Regularly communicate with your members through email or social media. Share exclusive offers, new product information, or other relevant news.
  6. Finally, continually monitor the performance of your VIP club. Track metrics like member growth, increased purchases from VIP members, and overall customer satisfaction to refine and enhance your program.


Birthday and Anniversary Specials

Recognizing and celebrating customers’ special days sweetens the brand’s and consumers’ personal connection. It makes customers feel cared for and appreciated, strengthening brand loyalty. When emotionally connected with a brand, shoppers respond positively to personalized post purchase marketing efforts.


Exclusive Previews of New Products

Early access to new product lines generates excitement and anticipation. The buzz created around the launch often triggers pre-orders, providing a healthy boost to cash flows. When customers feel involved in the brand’s journey, their connection with the brand deepens, increasing brand loyalty and enriching the probability of future purchases.

Foster a Culture of Customer Review Advocacy Among Employees
  1. To launch exclusive previews of new products, as part of your post purchase marketing, define which products will be previewed and to whom. You might give the preview to your most loyal shoppers or perhaps to those who have bought similar items in the past.
  2. Next, use an email marketing tool like Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, or GetResponse to segment your chosen buyers.
  3. Design an exciting email campaign highlighting the preview’s exclusivity.
  4. Within the email, provide detailed information about the new product, including features, benefits, and how it compares to existing products. Never forget to include a clear call-to-action (CTA) guiding visitors to where they can view the product.
  5. After sending the email, monitor the campaign’s performance by tracking open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Use the feedback and results to refine future product preview campaigns.


Customer Appreciation Events

Organizing events to appreciate customers cultivates a sense of community around your brand. These post purchase marketing events will create memorable experiences and deepen customer loyalty and emotional connection with your brand. Appreciation events improve customer retention rates, leading to stable revenue streams and increased profitability.

  1. Plan a customer appreciation event by starting with the basics: set a date and define what the event will entail. Consider offering special promotions, interactive activities, or a live Q&A session.
  2. Next, decide which customers will be invited. It might be all customers or a select group, such as your VIP members. Use an email marketing tool like Mailchimp or ActiveCampaign to segment your customers accordingly.
  3. Promote the event across all marketing channels.
  4. Following the event, send a follow-up email to attendees. Thank them for attending, provide relevant information or resources, and ask for feedback to improve future events. Monitor the overall response and engagement to measure the success of your event.


Personalized Product Recommendations

Personalized recommendations elevate the shopping experience. Recommendations based on customers’ browsing history or previous purchases show that you understand needs, which results in better conversion rates -the more successful the conversions, the higher the sales.

  1. Kick-start personalized product recommendations by gathering data about your customers’ purchase histories. You’ll need to know what items they’ve bought in the past, how often they shop, and their average spending.
  2. Analyze the data to find patterns. Notice which products are frequently bought together or if certain customers tend to buy similar types of products. 
  3. With the patterns identified, use them to formulate personalized product recommendations.
  4. Craft an enticing email that provides recommendations. Explain why you’re making these specific suggestions to make the customer feel valued. Use persuasive language to encourage them to consider the recommended products.
  5. Send the emails and then track the results. Monitor the open, click-through, and conversion rates to gauge the effectiveness of your recommendations and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Post Purchase Engagement

Post purchase engagement

In the bustling marketplace, customer interaction doesn’t terminate at the point of sale. Rather, it sparks the start of a dynamic journey known as the post purchase engagement. Envision every transaction as a launchpad, igniting a series of rich exchanges that nurture the relationship.

From personalized product suggestions to shared content, businesses add value to the customer journey. It’s not just about the sale; it’s about satisfaction – fueling loyalty, sparking repeat purchases, and triggering positive referrals.

The goal isn’t just about ringing up sales, it’s about fostering satisfaction, fueling loyalty, kindling repeat business, and inspiring positive word-of-mouth. As you navigate the competitive tides, post purchase engagement is your compass, directing your efforts toward customer retention and growth. Post purchase engagement is an enduring interaction, and every touchpoint matters. In this journey, the customer’s experience doesn’t conclude at checkout; it merely takes flight.


How Marketing Affects Post Purchase Decisions

Navigating the journey of a customer’s post purchase decision unfolds a fascinating tale. The transaction is only the prelude; the real drama unfolds as customers interact with the product. This stage is a battleground of perceptions, where reality meets expectations.
The quality of the product, the effectiveness of customer service, and the perceived value gained from the transaction – all of these elements interact in a dance that forms the customer’s post purchase decision.

A harmonious performance will solidify loyalty, propelling the customer towards repeat business and brand advocacy.
However, a misstep in this intricate dance will lead to returns, negative feedback, or worse -a shift toward competitors. Consequently, you should carefully choreograph post purchase strategies. It’s not just about selling; it’s about perfecting an ongoing performance that leaves customers eager for the next act.

Post Purchase Consumer Psychology That Impacts Decisions

Post purchase decision is affected by several subconscious states all buyers experience. Post purchase bias, cognitive dissonance, anxiety, and rationalization are psychological phenomena that can occur after purchase.

Post Purchase Cognitive Dissonance and Anxiety
  • Post purchase bias refers to customers’ tendency to favor the product they’ve bought over alternatives, even when evidence suggests a different product might have been a better choice. It’s a form of cognitive dissonance where customers seek consistency between their beliefs and actions.
  • Post purchase cognitive dissonance refers to the mental conflict or tension that a buyer may experience after a purchase, especially when choosing similar, attractive options. It’s the discomfort felt when a customer questions whether they made the right decision.
  • Post purchase rationalization is a mechanism customers use to alleviate cognitive dissonance or buyer’s remorse. It involves justifying the purchase decision by emphasizing the product’s positive aspects or downplaying its negatives.

Post Purchase Bias and How to Use it for Marketing

Post-purchase bias, also known as confirmation bias or buyer’s Stockholm Syndrome, describes the phenomenon where customers interpret and recall information that validates their product choices. It influences post-purchase marketing, offering opportunities to maximize customer satisfaction and loyalty.

To utilize post purchase bias:

  • Encourage customer reviews and testimonials. Positive feedback amplifies the bias, potentially turning customers into brand advocates. Post-purchase communication should emphasize the advantages of the purchase, from the product’s high-quality materials and longevity to the environmental benefits it might offer.
  • Provide customers with valuable, relevant information post-purchase, like user guides and maintenance tips, further promotes positive bias. Opportunities for upselling and cross-selling emerge, given the increased brand loyalty post-purchase bias fosters. 
  • Efficiently handle complaints and returns.
  • Loyalty programs also leverage post-purchase bias by rewarding repeat purchases or referrals, reinforcing customers’ conviction in their choice.
  • Consistent delivery of quality products and excellent customer service ensure the positive bias remains in favor of your brand for a long time.

Post Purchase Cognitive Dissonance and Anxiety

Post-purchase cognitive dissonance may lead to negative word-of-mouth and affect the customer’s repeat purchase intentions. To mitigate the anxiety and transform it into a marketing advantage, consider the following strategies:

  1. Product Use Demonstrations: Hosting webinars or creating videos on how-to-use the product soothe buyers they’ve made the right choice.
  2. Social Proof: Sharing user-generated content and positive feedback from other shoppers reduces cognitive dissonance showing that others are satisfied with the same purchase.
  3. Offer a Robust Return Policy: A transparent and hassle-free return policy alleviates post-purchase anxiety. Customers feel more comfortable knowing they can return or exchange the product.
  4. Exclusive Benefits: Offer exclusive post-purchase benefits such as access to premium content, special events, or discounts on future purchases to increase perceived value and alleviate any regret.

Post-purchase dissonance examples

Most eCommerce brands fail to address post-purchase dissonance. They only focus on the purchase period up to the end of their return policy. This results in brands having more one-time customers than long-term customers.

Here are a few examples of post-purchase dissonance that can occur:

  • Remorse after purchasing a product because they found a better offer.
  • Regret buying something impulsively and not needing or wanting it anymore.
  • Anxiety due to a lack of communication about their purchase. This includes tracking updates or customer service inquiries.
  • Frustration if they bought something that did not fulfill the purpose. A good example is receiving a faulty item or the wrong size or color.
  • Bad experiences with customer service.
  • A complex return process can also lead to post-purchase dissonance.
  • Buyers see negative reviews of a product or service after buying it.
  • If customers feel like they are getting less support after the purchase. They will be disappointed with the brand.

Anxiety, regret, and frustration are all common examples of post-purchase dissonance. It’s important to know these problems when designing your post-purchase marketing strategy. And to strive to provide customers with a smooth customer journey. 

Final Step: Post Purchase Evaluation

Post purchase metrics

Post-purchase evaluation stands as the final stage in the buyer’s journey. It serves as an opportunity for businesses to assess shopper satisfaction and the effectiveness of post purchase marketing activities. Although costly and time-consuming, the evaluation will give you pertinent data to enhance customer retention and loyalty, increase repeat purchases, and improve overall business strategies.

  1. To integrate post-purchase evaluation into your marketing strategy, define key performance indicators (KPIs) like customer retention rates, repeat purchase rates, and customer feedback. Use Google Analytics or email marketing software to track KPIs.
  2. Regularly monitor and analyze metrics to understand the success of your post-purchase marketing campaigns.
  3. Recognize patterns, identify areas of strength, and spot opportunities for improvement.
  4. Collect customer feedback through surveys or direct communication. Their experiences and opinions offer invaluable insights.

Remember, successful post purchase marketing requires regular reviews and updates per evolving trends, technology, and customer input.

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