June 26, 2023
Reading time: 8 minutes

10 Customer Expectations – Anticipate, Exceed & Manage Tips

Proactive Approaches to Meeting 10 Customer Expectations

Customers are important for any business. They help your business grow and succeed. To keep customers happy, you need to meet their expectations. This article will talk about 10 customer expectations and how to meet them in a proactive way.

First, let’s understand what “proactive” means. It means taking action before problems happen. A proactive business tries to prevent issues and make customers happy. This is better than fixing problems after they happen. Now, let’s learn about the 10 customer expectations and how to be proactive in meeting them.

What are Customers’ Needs, Wishes, and Expectations?

Customers have needs, wishes, and expectations.

  • Needs are what they must have. For example, if they buy a bike, it should work well.
  • Wishes are what they would like to have. Maybe they want the bike in blue color.
  • Expectations are what they think will happen. They may think the bike will last a few years.

To make customers happy, you should try to meet all these requirements. It’s not always easy, but when done right, it leads to happy customers. These happy customers often come back to buy more.

Below is a table summarizing the differences between the three concepts:

DescriptionImpact on Business
NeedsThings customers must have. Like a working bike.Meeting needs is basic. If not met, customers may leave.
WishesThings customers would like. Maybe a blue bike.Meeting wishes can delight customers. They may promote your business.
ExpectationsWhat customers think will happen. They expect the bike to last.If expectations are met, customers trust the business more. They might become loyal customers.

Predicting, Managing, and Anticipating Customer Expectation

If you must learn how to exceed customer expectations, you need three skills. These involve predicting, managing, and anticipating what they hope to get from you.

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Predicting customer expectations means guessing what customers will want. This is done by looking at trends and past behaviors. For example, if most people buy blue bikes in the summer, the shop can stock more blue bikes. To further learn about how to predict customers expectation, check our eCommerce Survey Guide.

Managing customer expectations means guiding what customers should expect. The bike shop might advertise that their bikes last for five years. This way, customers know what to expect.

Anticipating customer expectations is like predicting. But it’s more forward-looking. It’s about guessing what customers will want in the future. The shop might start to stock electric bikes, thinking they will become popular soon.

Doing these things helps in meeting customer expectations better. When done well, you can sell more and make buyers happier. Many of them will come back to buy more. They might even tell their friends about the business. This can lead to more sales and success.

Top 10 Customer Expectations

  1. High-quality Products or Services

Customers expect the best. If they buy a toy, it should not break easily. If they get a service, it should be done well. When the quality is high, customers are happy.

  1. Timely and Reliable Delivery

When customers buy something, they want it on time. If they order a book online, it should come when promised. If not, they may feel upset. So, delivery must be quick and reliable.

  1. Excellent Customer Service

Customers want to feel valued. They expect helpful and friendly service. If they have a question or problem, they want it solved quickly. This makes them feel cared for.

  1. Easy and Convenient Buying Process

Shopping should be easy. Customers like simple checkouts and clear instructions. They want to find things quickly. If buying is easy, customers are more likely to come back.

  1. Personalized Experience

Every customer is unique. They like when shops know their tastes. For example, an online store might suggest items based on past purchases. This makes customers feel special.

  1. Competitive Pricing

Price matters. Customers expect fair prices. If the price is too high, they might go to another shop. If it’s low and the quality is good, they feel they got a deal.

  1. Transparency

Customers value honesty. They want to know about a product’s features and costs. They also like to know how a business works. This builds trust.

  1. Responsiveness to Customer Needs

Customers want to be heard. If they have a need or concern, they expect a response. If a business listens and acts, customers feel respected.

  1. Trustworthiness

Trust is key. Customers need to know that a business is honest. They expect safe and secure transactions. When trust is strong, customers are more likely to stay.

  1. Innovation and Continuous Improvement

Customers like new and better things. Businesses need to keep improving. They can update their products or the way they serve. When a business keeps getting better, customers are more likely to stick around.

The Role of Customer Support in Exceeding 10 Customer Expectations

Good customer support can exceed customer expectations. It can make them feel heard, cared for, and valued. And this can lead to more loyal and happy customers.

Below are ways to exceed expectations with customer support:

Deliver Quality Customer Service

Quality matters in customer support. It should answer questions and solve problems. Helpful, friendly, and fast support can exceed customer service expectations. It will make customers feel valued. We recently posted an article on how to improve customer service. Check it out!

Provide Real-Time Support

Time is precious. Customers don’t like to wait. Real-time support, like chat or phone calls, can solve problems quickly. This can make customers really happy.

Use Live Assistance Solutions

Live help can be great. It’s like having a helper right there with you. This can be done through video calls or screen sharing. It can make solving problems easier and faster.

Automate Your Customer Support

Machines are capable of doing some tasks. They can answer simple questions or guide customers. This makes support faster and available at any time. But humans should still be there for more complex issues.

Customer Journey Orchestration and Optimization

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The customer value journey is a path customers take with a business. It starts when they first learn about the business. It continues as they buy and use products or services. The goal is to make them loyal customers. They might even promote the business to others. Here are some examples:

Retail Customer Journey

  1. A customer sees an ad for a new shoe store.
  2. They visit the store and browse different shoe styles.
  3. They try on a pair they like and decide to buy it.
  4. They enjoy their new shoes and receive a discount coupon for next time.
  5. They return to the store, use the coupon, and become a regular shopper.
  6. They tell their friends about the great shoes and deals at the store.

SAAS (Software as a Service) Customer Journey

  1. A business owner reads a blog about a new accounting software.
  2. They visit the software’s website and sign up for a free trial.
  3. They use the software and find it helpful for their business.
  4. After the trial, they decide to purchase a monthly subscription.
  5. Over time, they find the software essential for their business operations.
  6. They recommend the software to other business owners in their network.

A suitable customer journey case study is JuiceBlendDry. Nearly half of their eventual conversions come from mobile and tablet users. Also, over 44% of their sales happen in the Chrome browser.

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This information tells the company and its affiliates what part of their customer journey to optimize for maximum conversions.

Optimizing Your Customer Journey in 2023

Below are some expert customer journey optimization tips.

Map Your Customer Journey

To improve the journey, know it first. Write down each step. From the first contact to a loyal customer. This can help you see what’s working and what’s not.

Measure Customer Satisfaction Regularly

Customer journey tracking is vital to any modern business. Check if your customers are happy. You can use surveys or ask directly. Do this often. It can tell you if you’re meeting their needs or not.

Be Consistent in Customer Communication

Talk to your customers often. Keep your messages clear and similar. This can help build trust. Customers will know what to expect from you.

Develop a Customer Centric Culture

Make your business about your customers. Listen to their needs. Aim to make them happy. When you put customers first, they feel valued.

Ask Customer Feedback

Feedback is valuable. Ask customers what they think. They can tell you what you’re doing well and what you can improve on. This helps you serve them better. Tools like TrackMage are great for collecting feedback automatically.

Tips to Predict and Exceed Customer Needs and Wishes

  1. Understand Your Customers: Know who your customers are. What do they like? What do they need?
  1. Listen to Feedback: What are customers saying? Feedback can show their wishes and needs.
  1. Check Trends: What’s popular? Trends can tell you what customers might want soon.
  1. Improve Your Products or Services: Always try to make things better. This can exceed customer wishes.
  1. Surprise Your Customers: Small surprises, like a bonus or gift, can exceed their needs and make them happy.

Accurate prediction and taking actions to exceed expectations will give you the following benefits:

  1. Happy Customers: When you meet and exceed customer needs, they’re happier. They enjoy your products or services more.
  1. Loyal Customers: Happy customers often become loyal. They come back to buy more.
  1. More Sales: Loyal customers lead to more sales. They might buy more often or buy more each time.
  1. Positive Word of Mouth: Happy customers can tell others about your business. This can bring in new customers.
  1. Stronger Brand: When you meet and exceed customer needs, your brand gets stronger. People trust and respect it more.

TrackMage’s Role in Managing 10 Customer Expectations

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TrackMage is a shipment tracking software. It provides real-time updates on the delivery status. Businesses use it to enhance customer service and transparency in shipping.

Customer ExpectationsTrackMage’s Role
High-quality Products or ServicesEnsures accurate tracking, helping to deliver quality service by avoiding errors.
Timely and Reliable DeliveryProvides real-time tracking for timely deliveries, improving reliability.
Excellent Customer ServiceExceeds customer service expectations by offering reliable tracking.
Easy and Convenient Buying ProcessMakes buying convenient with easy tracking.
Personalized ExperienceSends personalized updates in any language, enhancing the customer experience.
Competitive PricingOffers a cost-effective solution, aiding businesses in providing competitive prices.
TransparencyProvides clear delivery details through transparent tracking.
Responsiveness to Customer NeedsQuickly responds to tracking needs (WISMO requests).
TrustworthinessBuilds trust with accurate tracking.
Innovation and Continuous ImprovementConstantly innovates and improves, exceeding customer expectations by offering unique tracking features.

5-Sentence Conclusion

Understanding customer needs, wishes, and expectations is essential for any business. It’s important to predict, manage, and anticipate these to keep customers happy. Tools like TrackMage can assist, especially in the retail and SAAS sectors. Optimizing the customer journey and exceeding expectations can lead to increased loyalty and sales. By focusing on customer satisfaction, businesses can thrive and achieve long-term success.

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